Please help our animals in this cold weather
Posted by GSPCA on 8th Feb, 2012 |
With the cold weather the GSPCA are appealing for help towards electric heat pads for the animals in our care.   We have a variety of species from cats to hedgehogs all in need of items to keep them warm in this cold snap.  Although we have enough to manage at present we are appealing for...
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Did you miss the GSPCA on Countryfile last week? Watch us again on iplayer.
Posted by GSPCA on 8th Feb, 2012 |
Last weekend the GSPCA and Guernsey were featured on BBC Countryfile. If you missed the show you still have 5 weeks left to watch the programme on BBC Iplayer.  To watch it go to The Shelter staff enjoyed working with the film crew and production team...
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Update on Razy the razorbill
Posted by GSPCA on 7th Feb, 2012 |
Razy the razorbill after nearly 2 weeks of rehab is doing really well.  Now up on his feet, his wing on the mend and his waterproof oils coming back we are hoping it won’t be long until he will be able to be sent back into the wild.
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Rollo's journey to happiness.
Posted by GSPCA on 3rd Feb, 2012 |
Rollo, the stunning 18 month old Briard, took to the high seas at the end of January having found a wonderful new home with a fantastic family in Jersey. Accompanied by Welfare and Education Officer, Emma Trousdale, Rollo took the short ferry journey in his stride and arrived no doubt excited about...
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GSPCA Supports The Bird Garden Bird Watch
Posted by GSPCA on 26th Jan, 2012 |
This weekend the GSPCA is supporting the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch. We too would like to encourage people to go out and see what birds are in the gardens of Guernsey.  For more details go to the RSPB website –
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