'Trick or Pet Treat' this Halloween & collect for animals at the GSPCA & safety tips
Posted by Steve on 21st Oct, 2022 |
Every year many children with parents or guardians head out at Halloween on the 31st October dressed up to celebrate the American tradition of 'Trick or Treat'. With the growing concern of the consumption of sweets and sugar why not this Halloween raise funds for charity. With the dark evenings it...
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Avian Bird Flu Update
Posted by Steve on 21st Oct, 2022 |
This week this announcement was made in the UK from Defra - “Update 17 October Following a change in the risk levels and an increase in the number of detections of avian influenza (bird flu) in kept and wild birds, the Chief Veterinary Officers from England, Scotland and Wales have declared an...
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Planning Approved for the GSPCA Wildlife Hospital – Could you help us with Buying a Brick towards the next steps
Posted by Steve on 21st Oct, 2022 |
The GSPCA are delighted to announce that planning has been approved for a new Wildlife Hospital at the GSPCA. This includes demolishing a number of very old buildings one of which dates back to the 1940’s. We now really need your help. We have raised an amazing £300,000 towards the estimated costs...
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GSPCA Beau Cinema Event to meet the animals and Cinema showing of DC League of Superpets Sunday 30th October
Posted by Steve on 19th Oct, 2022 |
Join us at Beau Sejour Leisure Centre for our GSPCA, Guernsey SPCA Meet the Animals Event on Sunda
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Donate and support Island FM Luke Webb today between 11am and 12pm raising funds for the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 18th Oct, 2022 |
Please donate to Luke Webb today between 11am and 12pm who is competing against his fellow presenter from Island FM. Both presenters are washing cars for charity and Luke has chosen the GSPCA so please support him in this very kind challenge. To donate please visit https://giving.gg/donate/...
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