Submitted by Steve on 21:46, 21st Jun, 2022 | 0

Do you love hedgehogs? Could you help us care for the 100’s through the doors every year?

We are currently recruiting for additional weekend staff and volunteers to help on our hedgehog department.

If you would like to apply for a vacancy to download a pack please click here chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ 

You can also get a pack sent out by calling 01481 257261 or email

The volunteer age for inductions is now from 16 years and up and we have opportunities in all parts of our activities here at the GSPCA.

This Thursday we have our next Volunteer Induction at 630pm which starts with introductions followed by an induction into our work, the opportunities and cover all aspects of health and safety to enable the new volunteers to understand the operations and what we do at the GSPCA.

Each new volunteer will asked to complete a volunteer induction form before Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager will have a chat to each attendee about the next steps.

If you can’t make it download the form and send it in to us, to download the application form please click here  

For a PDF application chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html? 

Next Induction dates set are:

630pm Thursday 23rd June 2022

630pm Thursday 4th August 2022

630pm Thursday 29th September 2022

We have other volunteer roles –

Dog Walking - to see the task role please visit 

Cat Socialising - to see the task role please visit 

Animal Accommodation Cleaner - With over 300 animals in our care there is lots of cleaning to do in the morning and through the day.  Please complete a form and return it to the Shelter if you would like to help care for the animals at the Shelter.

Wildlife Volunteer - Our wildlife unit always has high numbers of birds and a growing number of hedgehogs that require caring for.  We need volunteers to help us with this unit and if you would like to help please complete a form below and return it to the Shelter.  The main part of this role is between 8am and 12pm 7 days a week and we are trying to put a rota together to help assist the wildlife staff. 

Reception and helping answer calls - We are looking to build a team of volunteers to assist the reception staff in their duties to help respond to the inquiries and welfare calls.

Administration - We are a very busy Animal Welfare organisation and if you could help in the office please fill in the form below and get in touch.

Gardening & Grounds Work - We have a lovely rural site that we always need help to care for.

Maintenance & Painting -  Many of our buildings have been standing for some time and need TLC.

Fostering / Hand Rearing - The main animals we hand rear at the GSPCA are young birds and hoglets. We do on occasions look for foster homes for pet animals and please follow this link to see our Fostering page 

Fund Raising - we are always looking for volunteers to help with our many fund raising events.  If you can help please fill in an application below and return it to the Shelter.   If you would like to see some of our fund raising events please visit or email for details

Events & Special Days - We have lots of days to help raise awareness and funds for the GSPCA.

Van Driving & Night Wardens - We need volunteers to help both in the day and night.  For more details and see some of our wardens please visit

We are asking volunteers to complete the application form with the days and times they are available so we can rota them in to help in the various work that we do.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “It is once again peak season for hedgehogs at the GSPCA and we are currently recruiting for volunteers and staff to help especially on the weekend.”

“With an average 700 hedgehogs each year in recent years and dozens arriving daily we really need help for our prickly friends.”

“The hot weather and strimmer injuries, as well as orphaned baby hedgehogs are arriving daily.”

“For those looking at a paid role the owners are 8-1 or 8-6 and for volunteers wanting to help it is mostly mornings when we need the help.”

“We have a huge array of voluntary roles and opportunities and especially keen to hear from those wanting to walk and help with hedgehogs, also in our kennels whether it be for a few hours or full days each week.”

“Volunteering is an amazing experience which has so many benefits from helping the animals and our work to improving your CV, meeting new people to learning new skills.”

“We have set more dates over the coming months and no need to book just come along on the evening such as the second induction of 2022 taking place this Thursday at 630pm.”

“They normally take around 90 minutes or so to find out all about us and have a chat, depending on numbers.”

“For more information you can call 257261 or email me .”

“Without our team and volunteers we couldn’t do so much for the animals of Guernsey and our community.”

"We also love to hear from those that can offer specific skills or their team at their group or business."

“We will look to set other dates later in the year.”

“There are many ways to get involved and to find out just a few ideas check out this link or as mentioned contact me .”


Upcoming Events we are at and need your help -

  • Volunteer Induction Evening 630pm Thursday 23rd June 2022
  • Take Your Dog To Work Day 25th June
  • Association of Guernsey Charities Government House Charity Fete Sunday 26th June
  • Scarecrow Festival 23rd/24th July where we will have an entry.
  • Volunteer Induction Evening Thursday 630pm 4th August 2022
  • West Show Wednesday 17th – Thursday 18th August
  • North Show Wednesday 24th – Thursday 25th August
  • GSPCA Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday now planned for the 12th September -
  • Volunteer Induction Evening Thursday 630pm 29th September
  • Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Wednesday 9th November 2021 - Ref - Dog 9/11
  • Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Wednesday 30th November 2021 - Ref – Cat30/11


Donate by calling  01481 257261, by post to GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8UD or online

Puffin Patrol

In 2023 we are running a Puffin Parade and to sponsor a 4 foot puffin with the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey go to -

Sponsored Event

Why not create your own sponsored event or challenge -

For lots more ideas why not visit our fundraising page

Wish List

Check out our wish list page from the smallest of items to our biggest of projects there are many ways to support us -

To visit our Amazon Wish list to see some of the items we need to help the wildlife please visit -

GSPCA Wildlife Hospital Appeal

To make a direct donation please visit -

To Buy a Brick in the new Wildlife Hospital and download a leaflet please click here -

Larger donors or corporates may want to make a larger donation and become an Exclusive Build Partner and to find out more please visit -

Legacies & Bequests

By leaving a gift to the GSPCA in your Will really helps us to improve the lives of animals into the future.  After providing for those you care for, please consider leaving a proportion of what remains to the GSPCA it is so appreciated and makes a real lasting legacy.

A gift like this to the GSPCA ensures our animals and those in Guernsey will always have someone to keep them safe. To find out more please 

Gift Aid on Donations over £500

To find out about the States of Guernsey tax relief information on gift aid up to 2020 on donations totalling between £500 and £5000 please see the details by going to

2021 gift aid is from £500 and up to £7500 and here are the details -

To download the form to claim for 2020 or before please follow this link

Become a sponsor and GSPCA member

Why become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor and support our work each month please visit -

To become a Corporate Angel Pen Pal form for your business to sponsor animals in our care each year please click here  

Share our posts and follow us on social media

Many of you will have seen us on social media and your support liking and sharing our posts is really appreciated, and to visit our social media pages please go to





Subscribe to our Supporters Newsletter

To subscribe to our supporters newsletter and find out about upcoming events and news please go to

In line with States of Guernsey advice please DO NOT visit the GSPCA if have any symptoms of Coronavirus and we continue visits to the Shelter for only essential reasons and to please call us on 01481 257261 or email before your trip to see if we can help without you coming to the Shelter. For the latest information and advice please visit

With huge challenges on our resources and a drop in income from boarding and donations please help us help animals in Guernsey with our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal by donating online via -

Below are our usual opening times but with the current challenges due to covid these are occasionally adjusted to ensure we provide the best of care for the animals and those needing our 24/7 help, in an emergency please call 01481 257261


Reception & Shop area

Collecting/Dropping Off Boarding Dogs & Cats

Viewing animals for adoption

Emergencies Call 257261 or the Shelter is manned 24/7

GSPCA Charity Shop in Smith Street


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm



Bank Holiday’s

(**Varied times**)

**Possibly 11am – 4pm**

**Possibly 11am – 4pm**

**Possibly 11am – 4pm**


Closed unless advertised



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