Submitted by GSPCA on 18:27, 13th Feb, 2012 | 0

We have reason to believe that people are posing as GSPCA welfare staff, visiting members of the public in their homes and threatening to take their animals away.

In the last week we have had 5 extremely distressed owners complaining that people from the Animal Shelter have been banging on their doors at very unsociable hours threatening to take their animals away.

This is very serious as we are a professional organisation and do not operate in this way.

It is obviously very worrying that people may be duped into handing over their animals to complete strangers who may go on to sell them for profit.

We would like people to know that if GSPCA staff member visits their home:

  • We will always show identification
  • We will always leave a calling card to inform you of our visit and who to contact.
  • We do not behave in a threatening manner when investigating cases of cruelty.
  • We do not make visits at unsociable hours unless we have been asked to attend by the Police or another Agency.

We would advise anyone that is being harassed by strangers posing as Animal Shelter staff to contact us and also notify the Police as soon as possible. It is important that people do not open their doors unless they have seen identification.



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