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It’s that time of year when the Shelter becomes the temporary home to lots of lost and abandoned ducklings who for one reason or another have found themselves separated from their mother and the rest of their brood.
This may be for a variety of reasons such as:
The most common reason we are called out to rescue our little feathered friends is because they have been separated from their mother on their first trip from the nest to find water. Often they will have a long and potentially hazardous walk following the mother duck to the nearest water, sometimes a mile or two from home, along main roads walking in and out of the traffic!
In most instances the separation is temporary and if left they will be reunited and continue on their journey. If however the mother duck does not return or is spooked then it is best to call for help.
Recently our ACO and voluntary wardens have both been called to rescue ducklings from Douits. On both occasions the ducklings had fallen into the Douits and the strong running water had forced the ducklings against a grating where they were all too tired to get away; if left they would eventually have drowned. Thankfully the ducklings were rescued and are now resting here at the Shelter.
If you find a duckling that is alone or in trouble:
Keep your distance, keep the babies protected and wait to see if the mother returns – this is usually within half an hour.
If she doesn’t return then you can put them in a safe box and bring them to the GSPCA or call the Shelter on 257261 and we will send somebody out to help.
If you should come across a mother duck and her brood while driving please slow down and if necessary shepherd them calmly across a danger point, such as a busy road, to a safe spot.
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