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On Saturday a member of the GSPCA were called out to rescue two turtles and two goldfish which were found outside in a very dirty tank.
When Geoff George Animal Collection Officer rescued the fish and turtles he had to quickly try and find a location with appropriate tanks to help temporarily house them whilst facilities were arranged at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.
Thankfully staff at the Friquet Garden Centre in Castel offered their services where all four were transported to place them in suitable conditions.
By Monday facilities had been set up at the GSPCA and 'Kip' and 'Kevin' the two musk turtles and 'Dick' and 'Helene' the two goldfish were transported to the Shelter where they are doing well and looking very happy.
Geoff George GSPCA Animal Collection Officer said "On Saturday I was called to a location where we found two goldfish and two musk turtles in a tank outside full of algae and in direct sunlight which looked like it hadn't been cleaned for some time."
"We needed suitable facilities quickly and I started calling to see if we could find somewhere that could house them temporarily house them whilst we arranged an enclosure at the GSPCA."
"We'd like to thank the team at the Friquet Garden Centre who came to our aid in providing a temporary home for these needy reptiles and fish."
"We've called the goldfish 'Dick' and 'Helene' and the musk turtles 'Kip' and 'Kevin'."
"They are doing well and we already have a new home lined up for them with the fish not going very far."
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "At the GSPCA we help thousands of animals every year and on the weekend Ambulance Collection Officer Geoff George was called out to help two finned and two shelled animals in need."
"Thanks to the Friquet Garden Centre who temporarily housed them whilst we set up facilities at our Animal Shelter."
"We have cages to aviaries, tanks to intensive care units, vivariums to pools at the GSPCA as we never know what we will have to rescue but on occasions we seek help to house certain animals whilst we set up the correct enclosures or environments at the Shelter."
"The goldfish and musk turtles are doing well and we have already found them new homes, in fact the fish will be moving in with my family at the GSPCA."
"We always have hundreds of animals in our care and there are many ways to support our work and a great way to be part of our work is by becoming an Angel Pen Pal sponsor which is a way you can help us care for the thousands of animals and of course fish and turtles that come through our doors every year."
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