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Yesterday the GSPCA were called out to an injured gannet at Jaonnaise Bay.
Animal Collection Officer Geoff George attended the site where he had a fair walk to find the trapped bird.
As the sun was setting during early evening Geoff found the poor bird trapped in discarded fishing netting.
It was difficult to say how long the bird had been there so he quickly restrained the bird got it back to the van and brought the bird back to the Shelter in St Andrews.
The bird has survived over night and staff are currently monitoring its progress.
Geoff George Animal Collection Officer said "The bird was trapped in fishing nets and we don't know how long it will have been trapped where we found it at Jaonnaise Bay."
"Every month we get birds trapped or injured by discarded fishing nets and hooks and it is so important not to do this as it can kill these beautiful birds."
"We've called the juvenile bird 'Albert' and we are hopeful to get this wonderful gannet back to the wild as soon as it is strong enough."
Steve Byrne, GSPCA Manager said "This bird is so lucky as so many injured sea birds from fishing waste are killed every year."
"The start of 2014 was a horrendous year for many local seabirds due to the bad weather which is enough of a challenge without this unnecessary suffering."
"On the GSPCA website there is plenty of advice on how you can help stop this and also about what to do if you find injured wildlife."
To see pictures from the rescue please click here.
What you can do to help to help the animals of Guernsey
Protecting pets, farm animals and wildlife from harmful rubbish is straightforward – simply dispose of your waste responsibly.
Everyday objects can become hazards to animals and birds
Please help keep Guernsey tidy and our animals safe.
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Adults gannets are large birds white are bright white with black wingtips. They are distinctively shaped with a long neck and long pointed beak, long pointed tail, and long pointed wings.
At sea they flap and then glide low over the water, often travelling in small groups. Gannets feed by flying high and circling before plunging into the sea. They breed in significant numbers at only a few localities and are on the Amber List species.
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