Submitted by Steve on 12:32, 5th Dec, 2017 | 0

With Christmas fast approaching and the seal pups Trevor and Temperance growing stronger each day we have just ordered a large quantity of fresh herring and mackerel in preparations to wean them on to solid food, and we are asking if you can help with their rehabilitation.

Both pups are still in intensive care and receiving around the clock treatment but are improving each day.

Trevor at only 11.5kg from Jersey and Temperance the Guernsey seal pup rescued from Beaucette Marina at only 11kg are in an adjoining enclosure and both are currently cared for at the intensive care seal unit in the GSPCA wildlife building.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Temperance and Trevor are still very weak and on a number of treatments but we continue to do all we can each day for them and hopeful to get them both on solid food very soon.”

“It is a long slow process helping rehabilitate a seal pup back to health and Geoff George and the GSPCA team work around the clock to do all we can for both poorly seal pups.”

“We are appealing for donations towards their care and £5 will help feed each of them a meal and it would be great if those wanting to support the seals this Christmas would like to donate to their care.”

“If you would like to gift a seal feed we can provide a certificate as a way of thanks to pass on to a loved one.”

“To receive a seal feed gift certificate if you donate to their care via paypal, phone or at the Shelter and reference the name of the person and any words we can add these to a certificate and if you provide your address we can then post a certificate and some pictures of the seals or email if easier by PDF, please donate via , calling 01481 257261 or at the GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD.”

“A way to donate direct to their care is by our Just Giving Page by going to .”

“Both seal pups were rescued severely emaciated and dehydrated with a number of other injuries so we have a huge challenge in front of us doing all we can to care for them.”

“It is great that we are working pan island to care for and rehabilitate Channel Island seal pups to keep them in local waters and at the GSPCA we will do all we can for Trevor who was rescued by British Divers Marine Life Rescue in Jersey and cared for by New Era Vets as well as Temperance.”

Geoff George GSPCA Ambulance Driver and head carer of the seals said “Both seal pups  are still very weak although are certainly showing signs of improvement.”

“Temperance and Trevor have a long way on the road to getting back to the wild and any donations are really appreciated.”

Steve continued “We will keep you up to date on how both seal pups progress and with your help we all hope we can get Temperance and Trevor back to the wild and into Channel Island waters like Jersey seal pup Sami this year and Guernsey seal pup Bonnie last year.”

“With seal pups being born around the Channel Islands if anyone finds one and is concerned please do not approach it but call your local helpline as soon as possible and in Guernsey that is 257261.”

“If anyone see's a pup with or without a mum we really do appreciate a call so that we are aware of its location and condition.”

“A healthy pup looks like a big, stuffed maggot without a neck, however, a thin pup looks sleek, not bony and has a visible neck, like a healthy dog.”

“To get your very own seal pup if you sign up as an Angel Pen Pal supporter we are gifting the first 50 this month your very own little white toy seal pup.”

To donate to the care of the seal pups please visit

Other ways you can donate to their care is by our paypal page -

Donate over the phone by calling 01481 257261

Donate by post or at the Animal Shelter (cheques payable to ‘GSPCA’) - GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD

To get a gift certificate to ‘Feed the Seals this Christmas’ please donate via paypal, phone or at the Shelter and provide us with –

  • The name of the person for the gift certificate
  • A few words for the certificate such as who it is from
  • Your address or email address if you would like a PDF
  • A minimum donation of £5 per meal per seal

A fantastic regular way to help the GSPCA and animals this Christmas is to become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor or give as a gift to a loved one. You can be part of something special and receive great gifts which include -

  • Your very own cuddly white seal pup (please note real seal pups aren't cuddly in real life and if you spot one please call the GSPCA on 257261)
  • A Christmas GSPCA Pin Badge
  • A Christmas card from the animals at the GSPCA
  • A free GSPCA t-shirt or polo shirt for those donating £5 a month or more (children's sizes available)
  • Or a free GSPCA hoodie or sweat shirt for those donating £10 a month or more (children's sizes available)
  • A plaque on the GSPCA Angel pen Pal Sponsor Board
  • A Certificate
  • A Car Sticker
  • Angel Pen Pal Sponsors to gain free access 11am to 4pm to animal viewing areas at the GSPCA.
  • Our most recent newsletter (which you receive each quarter with updates)
  • In our newsletter we have Angel Pen Pal updates on many of the animals you help sponsor

You can help make a real difference and to become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor please click this link to download a form -

Unfortunately the wildlife unit is closed to the public but to see our opening hours please visit –

For more information please call 01481 257261 or email

PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE SEAL. They can give a nasty bite, which will become infected by bacteria that live in a seal’s mouths.

Note: Do not allow dogs or other animals to harass a seal.

If a Seal is scared back into the water, it could then be washed out to sea by strong currents and be lost. You should not put a seal pup back in the sea as it may get into difficulty.

If a Seal pup is sick, thin or injured then we would ask you to contact the GSPCA immediately on 01481 257261 day or night

When reporting an injured, sick or abandoned seal to the GSPCA, please make sure you are able to supply the following information:

  • Exact location; nearest town / village
  • Position on the beach, and state of the tide
  • How long you have observed the pup; any disturbance / risk to it; whether the mother has been seen
  • Any wounds / obvious signs of illness
  • Length/colour/condition.

Caution:- Handling of any animal either domestic, wild, dead or alive may be potentially hazardous. Obvious dangers include bites, scratches and general hygiene issues. Common sense should be applied in all instances and, if unsure, seek additional advice or assistance. Personal hygiene should be taken into consideration after handling any animal, whether it’s domestic, wild, dead or alive.

To see some of the previous stories about seals please click here

Some grey seal facts -

  • Population numbers since 1960s have doubled
  • A grey seal pup weighs 14kg at birth
  • A grey seal pup mothers milk contains 60% fat
  • Grey seals can dive to a depth of 70m
  • Another name for a grey seal is the horsehead seal
  • Grey seals are found in the waters surrounding Europe, Russia, North America, and Channel Islands
  • Grey seals can be found in estuaries, inter tidal zones, brackish water, polar and shallow seas
  • There are 18 known species of seal in the world

To donate via to help animals at the GSPCA please click here GSPCA Guernsey Charity donation donating

TURTLE APPEAL - Help fly Olivia the loggerhead turtle from Guernsey to Gran Canaria



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There are many ways to support the work of the GSPCA and you can even donate online by clicking the paypal link below.

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By post cheques payable to 'GSPCA' - GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD

Or by phone 01481 257261.

To find out more regarding our Angel Sponsorship Scheme please click here.

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