Submitted by Steve on 12:16, 3rd Sep, 2024 | 0

August at the GSPCA saw very mixed emotions as we said a farewell to Lorna Chadwick GSPCA Animal Welfare Manager and Sarah Langlois who has worn so many hats from Warden to Receptionist she has never had one role title.

Sarah started her career at the GSPCA and in animal welfare in 2016 and in that time has been an incredible support to the GSPCA and helped 1000’s of animals in so many ways.

Lorna had a background in animal welfare prior to joining the GSPCA in January 2007 from both her educational background and having worked at Battersea and from training 100’s of puppies through the training classes to investigating cruelty, helping care for the lion cubs to being a key help in running the GSPCA Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday Lorna has been a major asset to the GSPCA and animal welfare in Guernsey for nearly two decades.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Myself and the GSPCA will really miss both Lorna and Sarah who move off onto new adventures.”

“Since arriving in Guernsey 13 years ago Lorna has been an amazing team member, support and friend and she has done so much for animal welfare and animals as well as our community.”

“There are so many happy and challenging memories we have faced together from the 25 Slovakian puppies and the biggest animal welfare case in our history to each of the Animal Welfare Seafront Sundays over the last 12 years.”

“Thankfully Lorna isn’t moving far and we are looking forward working with her in her new role as Animal Welfare Officer in the States of Guernsey and we all wish all the best and are sure she will be fantastic in her new role.”

“Sarah joined us at the GSPCA in 2016 and quickly became an integral member of the team from working in every department to wardening.”

“Sarah too has been a great friend as well as an incredible team member at the GSPCA.”

“In fact she is even up for a Pride of Guernsey nominee currently as Carer of the Year.”

“From finding deceased sheep in a field and representing the GSPCA in court for animal welfare investigations to helping around the clock Sarah has done to much for animal welfare and our community in Guernsey and she will be truly missed as she moved to the UK for her next chapter in her life.”

“I know both Lorna and Sarah will thrive in their new adventures and we wish them the very best for the future and look forward staying in touch and catching up with them soon.”

John Knight GSPCA President said “From the GSPCA and all they have helped thank you so much to Lorna and Sarah for all they have done.”

“The GSPCA rely on their team to help ensure we can prevent cruelty and promote kindness and Lorna and Sarah have been exceptional in their duties and we wish them all the best.”

Sarah Langlois said “A big shout out to my GSPCA family thankyou so much.”

“You guys are the best and I am going to miss all you guys so so much.”

Lorna Chadwick said ”So that’s a wrap.”

“Thank you to everyone at the GSPCA, Guernsey SPCA for the last 17 years of friendship.”

“Massive thanks for the huge pile of presents and cake this morning which I’m sure included a bottle of wine for each of those years.”

“It’s been a blast, emotional, hard work but fun. I have things to do.”

“I’m excited to be joining a new team and will continue to try to make a difference in all areas of animal health and welfare to benefit those without a voice.”

“I’ll be seeing you.”

Yvonne Chauvel GSPCA Animal Care Supervisor said “We meet so many amazing people working at the GSPCA and Lorna and Sarah have been two very special to us all.”

“We wish them all the best for their future adventures and thank them for all they have done for so many animals.”

It is a BIG year for the GSPCA as we look to the BIGGEST BUILD in our history and there are many ways to support from getting involved with the Skipton Swimarathon to the follow

Steve continued “We now enter a new chapter in our adventures at the GSPCA with a new welfare team having seen Lorna do an exceptional job for the last 17 years and new wardens having recently join the team and other members to cover Sarah’s duties and with over 150 years history we continue to see amazing and caring islanders ensure the welfare and care of animals is at the forefront of the work of the GSPCA.”

“From the Skipton Swimarathon to others, there are many ways to support our work with lots of ideas on our website or set up your own sponsored challenge by going to or .”

“For those from those want to give CSR time and skills to those wanting to help sponsor or support something from our Wish List .”

“If your group or business would like to find out about spending a day at the Shelter please go to - “

“For other ways your business can help us here at the GSPCA please go to - “

“If you would like to volunteer then to find out more details here - or to complete the volunteer application form please check out .”

"We also have vacancies at the GSPCA and to find out more please visit ."

“We also have loads of ways to support us and to donate in this link including information on our BIGGEST BUILD appeal .”

“To see a list of the many events coming up check out those below or on any of our latest blogs “

“We couldn’t do so much without your support.”


Donate by calling  01481 257261, by post to GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8UD or online


The GSPCA have the BIGGEST BUILD APPEAL in our 150 year history and to find out more please visit

GSPCA Celebrates 150 years in 2023 and 151 years in 2024

This year the GSPCA celebrate 150 into 151 years and to find out more please check out

Sponsored Event

Why not create your own sponsored event or challenge -

For lots more ideas why not visit our fundraising page

Wish List

Check out our wish list page from the smallest of items to our biggest of projects there are many ways to support us -

To visit our Amazon Wish list to see some of the items we need to help the wildlife please visit -

GSPCA Wildlife Hospital Appeal

To make a direct donation please visit -

To Buy a Brick in the new Wildlife Hospital and download a leaflet please click here -

Larger donors or corporates may want to make a larger donation and become an Exclusive Build Partner and to find out more please visit -

Legacies & Bequests

By leaving a gift to the GSPCA in your Will really helps us to improve the lives of animals into the future.  After providing for those you care for, please consider leaving a proportion of what remains to the GSPCA it is so appreciated and makes a real lasting legacy.

A gift like this to the GSPCA ensures our animals and those in Guernsey will always have someone to keep them safe. To find out more please 

Gift Aid on Donations over £500

To find out about the States of Guernsey tax relief information on gift aid up to 2020 on donations totalling between £500 and £5000 please see the details by going to

2021 gift aid is from £500 and up to £7500 and here are the details -

To download the form to claim for 2020 or before please follow this link

Become a sponsor and GSPCA member

Why become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor and support our work each month please visit -

To become a Corporate Angel Pen Pal form for your business to sponsor animals in our care each year please click here  

Share our posts and follow us on social media

Many of you will have seen us on social media and your support liking and sharing our posts is really appreciated, and to visit our social media pages please go to





Subscribe to our Supporters Newsletter

To subscribe to our supporters newsletter and find out about upcoming events and news please go to

Below are our usual opening times but these are occasionally adjusted to ensure we provide the best of care for the animals and those needing our 24/7 help, in an emergency please call 01481 257261


Reception & Shop area

Collecting/Dropping Off Boarding Dogs & Cats

Viewing animals for adoption

Emergencies Call 257261 or the Shelter is manned 24/7

GSPCA Charity Shop in Smith Street


9am – 5pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


9am – 5pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


9am – 5pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


9am – 5pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


9am – 5pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


9am – 5pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm


8am - 530pm


11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm

11am – 4pm



Bank Holiday’s

(**Varied times**)

**Possibly 11am – 4pm**

**Possibly 11am – 4pm**

**Possibly 11am – 4pm**


Closed unless advertised


Upcoming Events we are at and need your help -  

Tuesday 10th September 2024 630pm Volunteer Induction Evening

Wednesday 2nd to Sunday 6th October 2024 - Skipton Swimarathon -

October Half Term Tours – to be confirmed

Tuesday 5th November 2024 630pm Volunteer Induction Evening

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 12th November 2024 - Ref - Dog 12/11

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 19th November 2024 - Ref - Cat 19/11

Christmas Tours – to be confirmed

February 2025 Tours – to be confirmed

Easter 2025 Tours – to be confirmed

2025 – Dolphin Parade -

Many more events will be added and dates to be confirmed and if you have any events or ideas to please get in touch…………..



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