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Yesterday the GSPCA welcome 11 ladies and one gentleman along to the first ever course of its kind to be held in Guernsey.
After the first GSPCA Dog First Aid Course two weeks ago the Animal SHelter is now offering a number of training sessions in a variety of areas
After the success of the recent training at the GSPCA we are planning additional sessions through the year.
The dates for the first aid courses are:
Dog First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 23rd March 2013 - Ref - Dog 23/3
Pet Bereavement Training for Bailiwick Pet Professionals and Volunteers - 6.30pm Wednesday 23rd April - click here for details
An Introduction in Animal Care & Welfare - 8 week course planned to start 6.30pm each Tuesday from the 25th March - details soon to be released
Cat First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 18th May 2013 - Ref - Cat 18/5
Dog First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 25th May 2013 - Ref - Dog 25/5
The first aid courses courses are a minimum £15 donation and you must book your place by the Saturday before the training session.
Within the sessions you get the chance to learn about what to do if you were faced with an emergency situation with your dog or cat. All participants receive handouts, a few goodies and surprises.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said 'We had a lovely group at the GSPCA learning about Cat First Aid.'
'At the GSPCA sadly we see between 200 and 300 RTA cats every year and other cat related injuries such as those cut from broken glass or from fighting with other cats.'
'It is great that we are able to share our knowledge from the GSPCA and even if it only helps save one cats life it will have been worth it.'
'Everyone seemed to really enjoy the training and Mr Chips one of the Shelter cats looking for a home was a real star helping demonstrate how to find a heart beat.'
To book your place call 01481 257261 or pay via the paypal link below using the reference code so we are aware which you would like to attend.
To find out about other training and courses at the GSPCA please click here.
Have you got a GSPCA Hoody, Polo Shirt, Sweat Shirt or T-shirt? If not get yours by clicking here.
To sponsor a kennel or animal pen and help dogs like Inca or Mr Chips please click here.
To find out about our Events, how to become a Member, Sponsor an Animal Pen, our Wish List, Corporate Sponsorship & Volunteering, , our New Build & Redevelopment Appeal and much more please click here.
To donate to Trinity and Edens Big Fish Appeal please call 01481 257261, pop along to the Animal Shelter in St Andrews, by post or by clicking the link below.
We will of course keep you up to date with Trinity and Edens progress and keep your eyes open for pictures and videos.
There are many ways to support the work of the GSPCA and you can even donate online by clicking the paypal link below.
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