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Over the Summer we have been appealing for volunteers to help in many areas and one of those has been helping with the grounds and gardening.
At the end of July we had a lovely team made up of Jo Hardill with her son Jake Hardill and his 2 cousins visiting from Glasgow.
The team of 4 were a huge help weeding, sweeping and thanks to all their hard work had a mini tour with Tim Pellett GSPCA Community and Training Officer.
Tim said “It was lovely to meet Jo, Jake and his young cousins.”
“They were a great help and weeded outside reception, swept leaves by boarding cats and charity shop.”
“I took them on a mini Shelter tour where they met rabbits, degus, cats, tortoises and Norma the hedgehog.”
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Jo and Jake have been great supporters of the GSPCA and we are so grateful to their help with their cousins.”
“We are always appealing for volunteers not just with the animals and fund raising but we are always looking for those that want to help with the grounds, maintenance, our Ambulance service and even on the front reception desk to mention a few of the roles.”
“The next volunteer induction is on Tuesday 10th September at 630pm and all are welcome.”
For more information on volunteering please visit
To find out about corporate or group das lease visit -
To see our opening times to visit the GSPCA site please visit -
You can donate via our page or create your own sponsored event or challenge -
To Buy a Brick in the new Wildlife Hospital and download a leaflet please click here -
To learn about the ‘Buy a Brick’ in the new Wildlife Hospital and find out more please click here -
To learn more about our biggest project, become an Exclusive Build Partner and support our Wildlife Hospital please visit
To donate to the animals in our care another via our paypal page -
To donate to Andy the seal pup please visit - or
To visit the Just Giving page raising funds for life saving Intensive Care Units please visit or to buy one directly for the Shelter please visit
To become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor please visit -
To download a Corporate Angel Pen Pal form please click here
If you would like to help at one of our upcoming events please give Michelle a call on 257261 or email
To see some of the animals looking for homes at the GSPCA please visit –
Another way to support us is our on site Charity Shop and refreshment area and to find out more please visit -
If your group or business would like to find out about spending a day at the Shelter please go to -
For other ways your business can help us here at the GSPCA please go to -
On Tuesday 10th September we have a volunteer induction evening and for more information and additional induction dates please visit or call 257261
To see our upcoming guided tours please visit -
To see our Wish List on our website please visit -
To visit our Amazon Wish list please visit -
For lots more ideas on how you can support the shelter and the animals in our care then please visit our fundraising page
To find out more on trips, talks and our education work please email or call 01481 257261
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