Submitted by Steve on 16:09, 4th Jan, 2021 | 0

New Years Eve saw the GSPCA team called out to the Fairy Ring to check out a possible seal pup in need.

GSPCA team members Geoff George and Beckie Bailey headed out to find a very under weight and weak.

To donate to the seal pups and animals in our care please visit

Geoff George Head of Marine Mammals at the GSPCA said “Working 24/7 the work never stops and on New Years Eve we were called out to rescue another very thin and poorly grey seal pup.”

“He hasn’t got his white coat so a little older than those from Jersey when they arrived but with an extremely thin neck and only 20kg he should be at least double the weight it was when we found the pup.”

“We have called the pup Titan and is now in our intensive care area for seal pups where we also have Ellie and Joey who is now out on our pools.”

“We have seal pups needing help well into February so with the awful weather we have had there could be others in the coming weeks that need our help so if you see anything please do give us a call at the GSPCA on 01481 257261.”

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "With three seals now at the GSPCA, over 100 hedgehogs and 100s of other animals we had a very busy festive period here at the GSPCA.”

“Titan joins Ellie in our intensive care pens at the GSPCA for seal pups and both need around the clock care.”

“Titan has been doing very well through his first few nights as are Ellie and Joey the Jersey seal pups.”

“That means we now have 3 seal pups at the Shelter and all being so young have a long road before we can even think of releasing them back to the wild.”

“We have had a record breaking number of wild animals and birds through our care we really need donations to help towards our work and the care of Joey and other animals please call 01481 257261, at the GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8UD or online  .”

“To help ensure we can help animals 24/7 why not become a regular sponsor to help animals like Joey especially during these extremely difficult days and to find out more please visit .”

For further wildlife advice please click here

If You Spot A Seal Pup

If you find a seal pup that looks FIT AND HEALTHY and it shows no signs of distress, you may consider monitoring it from a safe distance for 24 hours. Unfortunately, too many seal pups get taken into captivity because people think they have been abandoned. If the mother does not return within 24 hours, we would ask you to contact 01481 257261.

A healthy pup looks like a big, stuffed maggot without a neck. However, a thin pup looks sleek (but not bony) and has a visible neck, like a healthy dog.

PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE SEAL. They can give a nasty bite, which will become infected by bacteria that live in a seal’s mouths.

Note: Do not allow dogs or other animals to harass a seal.

If a seal is scared back into the water, it could then be washed out to sea by strong currents and be lost. You should not put a seal pup back in the sea as it may get into difficulty.

If a seal pup is sick, thin or injured then we would ask you to contact our 24-hour cruelty and advice line

When reporting an injured, sick or abandoned seal to the GSPCA, please make sure you are able to supply the following information:

  • Exact location; nearest town / village
  • Position on the beach, and state of the tide
  • How long you have observed the pup; any disturbance / risk to it; whether the mother has been seen
  • Any wounds / obvious signs of illness
  • Length/colour/condition.

Caution:- Handling of any animal either domestic, wild, dead or alive may be potentially hazardous. Obvious dangers include bites, scratches and general hygiene issues. Common sense should be applied in all instances and, if unsure, seek additional advice or assistance. Personal hygiene should be taken into consideration after handling any animal, whether it’s domestic, wild, dead or alive.

For any questions please contact 01481 257261

Please remember and keep your animals and pets safe during the high winds, especially those that are kept outdoors.

In line with States of Guernsey advice please DO NOT visit the GSPCA if have been outside of the Bailiwick of Guernsey in line with their advice or have any symptoms of Coronavirus and we continue visits to the Shelter for only essential reasons and to please call us on 01481 257261 or email before your trip to see if we can help without you coming to the Shelter. For the latest information and advice please visit

The GSPCA continues with all essential services and we plane to phase other services back into operation and to find out more please visit -

With huge challenges on our resources and a drop in income from boarding and donations please help us help animals in Guernsey with our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal by donating online via -

During these difficult times help us help animals in need. From donating to Sponsoring a Pen, Buying a Brick for the much needed Wildlife Hospital to our Amazon and main page Wish List, holding a mufti day to a sponsored Christmas dip, here are some of the ways you could help give animals joy.



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