Submitted by Steve on 18:22, 22nd May, 2020 | 0

We thought you might like to know a little more about our team during the current lock down due to Covid-19. Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager has asked a number of questions and to start off we meet Helen Holmes helps in so many ways and has worked at the GSPCA since May 2007.

Steve Byrne asks “Why did you want to work for the GSPCA?” 

Helen Holmes “I want to work at the GSPCA not only because I love animals but want to help them in any way I can.”

Steve “What is your favourite part of working for the GSPCA?”

Helen “My favourite part of working there is being able to form bonds with like minded people who are all there for the same reason.”

Steve “What would you like to see at the GSPCA if you had a magic wand?”

Helen “If I had a magic wand I would want to see an end to animal cruelty.”

Steve “What has been the most challenging thing you would say with the social distancing requirements due to Covid-19?”

Helen “he most challenging thing about social distancing is having to work from home.”

Steve “What has been the happiest thing we have achieved during Covid-19?”

Helen “The best thing we have achieved is that no one has become ill.”

Steve “What is your favourite animal currently at the GSPCA?”

Helen “My current favourite animal are the musk turtles.”

Steve “Which volunteer or team member are you really missing?”

Helen “I am missing all the staff, as even though I’ve popped in I have not really worked with anyone. Terry has been passing my house daily on her lunch time walk and always beeps to say hello. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again and see customers.”

Steve continues “Helen is a real star like the whole team are at the GSPCA.”

“The team have been fantastic and I am very proud of everyone working so hard through such difficult times.”

“It certainly isn’t easy for anyone and we have had to change so many practices at the GSPCA.”

“The main challenge is raising the funds as we aren’t able to run our normal events or charity shop and with only a few emergency boarders we have faced a real struggle to raise the £2,000 a day to run the Shelter so we launched our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal .”

“We have had some amazing donations towards this much needed appeal and if you would like to donate you can do so by calling 01481 257261, by post or online via our web page .”

“Another great way to supporting is by donating each month and to find out details please visit this web page .”

“Without your support the GSPCA couldn’t achieve so much caring and helping over 3000 animals every year.”

“Other staff will let you know how they are doing very soon.”

By post please make cheques payable to 'GSPCA’ and post to GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD.

In line with States of Guernsey advice please DO NOT visit the GSPCA if you are over 65, have an underlying health condition or have any symptoms of Coronavirus and only visit us if your visit is essential but before doing so please call us on 01481 257261 or email before your trip to the GSPCA to see if we can help without you coming to the Shelter. For the latest information and advice please visit

With huge challenges on our resources and a drop in income from boarding and donations please help us help animals in Guernsey with our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal by donating online via -

During these difficult times help us help animals in need. From donating to Sponsoring a Pen, Buying a Brick for the much needed Wildlife Hospital to our Amazon and main page Wish List, holding a mufti day to a sponsored Christmas dip, here are some of the ways you could help give animals joy.

For lots more ideas on how you can support the shelter and the animals in our care then please visit our fundraising page

To see a list of our volunteer induction evenings which we hold each month and for more information please visit or call 257261

To find out more on trips, talks and our education work please email or call 01481 257261



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