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The GSPCA and Guernsey Animal Aid receive dozens of stray animals every month. Some have collars with owners details and some are returned to owners that have left us information looking for their lost pet. Thankfully many are Microchipped so after scanning them we can quickly get them back to their owners, but not enough!
Microchipping your pet gives them the best chance of being identified and returned to you if they become lost or stolen. Guernsey Animal Aid and the GSPCA have teamed together to promote Microchipping during March with the run up to World Stray Day on the 4th April.
The GSPCA and Guernsey Animal Aid are Microchipping from the 1st March until the 4th April for only £4.99 per dog or cat.
Times for this offer -
At the GSPCA Animal Shelter - Monday to Saturday 9am – 4.30pm (no appointment is needed) for more details call 01481 257261
At Guernsey Animal Aid – Monday 9am – 4pm or by appointment for more details call 07781101052
Many other pets can be Microchipped including ferrets, rabbits and horses. Check with your vet for advice about having species other than dogs and cats Microchipped.
Pets are lost without it
In Guernsey hundreds of pets are lost every year and many are never reunited with their owners – Microchipping can change that.
While collars and tags can get caught or removed – Microchipping identifies your pet permanently and harmlessly.
Happy tail – Dipstick had a very happy Valentines
A Guernsey family in early 2011 lost their tabby cat and as all worried owners reported him lost to the local radio and searched high and low with no luck. In the early hours of Valentines night the GSPCA Night Warden had a call regarding a stray cat which a worried member of public had seen repeatedly over a period of weeks. The Warden on duty, Bryony Nichols went to collect the cat and arriving at the Shelter she and Steve Byrne, GSPCA Manager scanned the cat for a Microchip and we were over joyed to find that he had one. A call was made and very quickly we tracked down the owner who within 20 minutes of the cat being at the Shelter was back in their arms.
Dipstick who was aptly named fortunately only had a few small scratches and was in good condition otherwise. He was very happy to see members of his family and if it hadn't been for the fact he was Microchipped then he may never have found his owners.
Steve Byrne, GSPCA Manager said 'It is one of the best parts of the job when you can find an owner of a missing pet.' 'I would be heartbroken if my dog went missing but she is Microchipped and I know she would be scanned and be back with me if she did go missing.' 'Every owner of a dog or cat should get this done and it would certainly help us as a Rescue Organisation as we can get animals back to their owners a lot quicker.' 'Dipstick and his family were very happy and he hopefully won't go missing again. It was a lovely Valentines surprise.'
Sue Vidamor founder of Guernsey Animal Aid said ‘It’s amazing the number of cats I get in as strays with no identification.’ ‘We are doing this special offer to try and get all animals in Guernsey that can be Microchipped done as it would mean there aren’t worried owners looking for their beloved pets as Rescue Shelters would identify them much quicker.’
How it works
A tiny microchip is inserted under the animal’s skin. This gives the pet their own unique code.
The microchip can be scanned and matched to the owner’s contact details, which are kept on a database.
You must make sure the database you are registered with has your up-to-date contact details.
Please remember this offer is limited between 1st March and 4th April 2012 for only £4.99 per animal.
To download a Membership form or if you wish to donate regularly
Once you have completed your details please send them to -
GSPCA, Animal Shelter, Les Fiers Moutons, St. Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD
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