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Last Tuesday the GSPCA held a special training session to help rabbit owners and professionals that work or care for bunnies due to the outbreak of RHVD2 recently.
The event was open to everyone and was completely free of charge and we saw representatives from local garden centres, owners and many of the GSPCA staff and volunteers
The training took place at 130pm on Tuesday 4th at the GSPCA with two key speakers.
A welcome was given by GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne and then handed over to local vet Ben Howitt who works at Isabelle Vets and has been working closely with the GSPCA and caring for the sick and injured rabbits that have come into the GSPCA since he joined the Isabelle Vets team last year.
Ben Howitt was brought up in Singapore for his entire schooling, before returning to the UK to read Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bristol. During his studies, Ben frequently saw practice at Isabelle Vets, and after graduating from Bristol last year, he joined their team as an associate veterinary surgeon. After completing his elective in Neurology as a student at Langford Veterinary Referrals, he has retained a keen interest in pursuing this area of medicine. Ben also has an enthusiasm for wildlife, having had placements at Durrell Wildlife Park as well as with bigger game species out in South Africa. As a result, he has been working closely with the GSPCA since joining their team.
Ben gave a 30 minute talk and answered many questions on RHVD2 to those that attended and some of it was even streamed on the GSPCA facebook page.
Rick Hayman Managing Director of Medichem Scientific Ltd followed with a talk on Anigene and COSHH focusing on cleaning out rabbits cages and other animals environments and enclosures. Rick was due visit and carry out this training for the GSPCA team and attend an animal charity meeting that took place and kindly agreed to open the training to anyone interested to attend.
Rick has over 25 years in the business of disinfectants for vets and animal charities and the GSPCA have been using Anigene for 6 years. Medimark Scientific and especially Rick have always been extremely kind to the GSPCA in donations, equipment, training and support and we retail Anigene at the GSPCA shop if anyone is in need of a disinfectant that can eradicate RHVD2 from an animal cage.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager "With the worries of RHVD2 killing rabbits in Guernsey we thought we would provide a training session for anyone interested in joining us to help the bunnies of Guernsey."
"We are hugely grateful to Ben from Isabelle Vets and Rick from Medimark who gave a fantastic afternoon of lectures helping not only our team but those from other establishments and owners."
“If the talks help just one rabbit it will have been worth it and we hope that the information learnt will help countless more.”
“Thankfully we haven’t seen any other cases and all of the rabbits arriving at the GSPCA are now vaccinated as soon as is possible and if any have rabbits please do get in touch with your vets.”
Vet Ben Howitt said “Thank you to the GSPCA and the team for putting on this training to help rabbits in Guernsey.”
Rick Hayman Managing Director from Medichem said “Thank you to the GSPCA for allowing me to provide training on Anigene and other products and hopefully what we spoke about will help rabbit owners in Guernsey.”
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