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At the GSPCA we are normally appealing for homes for animals, but we are currently appealing for your unwanted soft toys.
After a very busy summer fund raising at many events we are running low on cuddly toys which we use as prizes on some of our games to help raise funds for the Shelter.
If you have any unwanted soft toys then please pop them up to the Shelter or if you need a vehicle to pick up quite a few then please let us know and we can arrange collection.
We must thank everyone that helped, took part and supported the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday.
The day was a fantastic success with lots of family fun and enjoyment.
One of the main spectacles was the Animal Mascot Race which took place on Sunday at 1pm and this year the race included -
If you missed it here are the results for 2013 -
Celebrity and Charity Race
Heat 1
1st Daniel the Donkey from Island FM
Did you know today the 25th April is World Penguin Awareness Day?
Although we do not have any penguins living in Guernsey on September the 15th the GSPCA will be organising the second Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday where you will see giant penguins and many other animals racing along the sea front.
Although many details are not yet confirmed we are taking forms to reserve your pitch and interest in the Giant Animal Mascot Race.
The GSPCA has so many people to thank for making the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday a fantastic day.
A special mention must go to all the companies that let us have transport and also all those that helped on the day we really couldn't have done it without you.
From Ferry Speed to Relocations Guernsey, Cable & Wireless to Nash Copy, Dave Brook Plumbing and many more we are so grateful for you help.