Stray very poorly tabby and white cat on a drip at the vets found in Castel

Submitted by Steve on 16:40, 31st Aug, 2018 | 0

This afternoon a cat was rescued in a garden that had collapsed.

The female stray tabby and white cat is extremely thin and is extremely dehydrated so was rushed to the vets where she is currently on a drip.

She sadly has no microchip and blood results are showing she has some major health issues.

The cat was found in Castel and will need to stay with our vets as she is so poorly.

We are appealing to anyone that has lost their tabby and white cat to please call the Shelter on 257261 or to pop in to the GSPCA in St Andrews.


Thank you to all that supported our stall at the Alternative Solutions Guernsey 2018 Waterfront Marathon Seafront Sunday

Submitted by Steve on 16:24, 31st Aug, 2018 | 0

On a very wet windy Sunday the GSPCA joined the Alternative Solutions Guernsey 2018 Waterfront Marathon for their Seafront Sunday.

Despite a wet and windy day we’d like to thank all that supported and helped our GSPCA stall.

Michelle Champion GSPCA staff member said “Sadly it was a very wet and windy day at the Alternative Solutions Guernsey 2018 Waterfront Marathon Seafront Sunday but a huge thank you to all that supported and helped as well as a thank you to the organisors for the kind invite.”


Thank you to all that helped and supported our Donkey Derby stall

Submitted by Steve on 16:07, 31st Aug, 2018 | 0

On Saturday 18th August while many volunteers were busy collecting at flag day locations around Guernsey a team were at Saumarez Park at the wonderful Donkey Derby.

A huge thanks to the Lions Club of Guernsey for the kind invite to what has to have been one of the busiest Donkey Derby’s we have seen.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We had such a busy Donkey Derby on the 18th August and a huge thanks to all that helped on the stall, supported us and to the Lion Club of Guernsey for putting on such a great event.”


Northern Trust help out at the West Show and North Show and thanks to all that supported our stall

Submitted by Steve on 14:02, 31st Aug, 2018 | 0

The GSPCA has had a great time at all of the Summer Shows and especially so at the West and North Show thanks to some amazing volunteers from Northern Trust.

On Wednesday 4 staff from Northern Trust helped on our stall at the West Show and 5 on the Thursday and at the North Show 4 helped on the Wednesday and an amazing 9 volunteers on the Thursday.


Flag Day thanks and volunteers needed to help on the 9th, 29th and 30th September

Submitted by Steve on 13:18, 31st Aug, 2018 | 0

On Saturday 11th and 18th August GSPCA volunteers were out collecting for the many animals at the GSPCA.

On the 11th volunteers were outside Marks and Spencer stores and on the 18th volunteers were dotted around Guernsey for our main annual flag collection.

A huge thanks must go to the main organisor Michelle Champion and also to all of the amazing volunteers, their children and their dogs who were out raising funds to help those animals in need at the GSPCA.


Thanks and fun at the South Show

Submitted by Steve on 13:02, 31st Aug, 2018 | 0

Earlier this month the GSPCA once again attended the South Show and had a fabulous two days.

The GSPCA stall was out with lots of fund raising tombola fun games and GSPCA Committee Member Karen Girdlestone helped judge the fun dog show held on the Saturday.

Michelle Champion GSPCA staff member said “We had a lovely two days at the South Show and saw lots of lovely dogs at the fun dog show.”

“We really enjoy attending the Shows as we meet so many lovely supporters and people interested in our work at the GSPCA.”


EVENT: Peter Rabbit & Friends Event at Beau Cinema in aid of the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 15:25, 29th Aug, 2018 | 0

Peter Rabbit & Friends Event at Beau Cinema in aid of the GSPCA on Sunday 30th September - from 2pm

All tickets £5 -

A fun event for the whole family at Beau Sejour. From 2pm meet the adorable rabbits from the GSPCA, Guernsey SPCA and some of their cute friends before watching the Peter Rabbit film at Beau Cinema.


KPMG a fantastic help at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 14:52, 29th Aug, 2018 | 0

This month once again at the GSPCA we were lucky enough to have help from KPMG staff.

The team of 13 on the 9th August and the team of 8 on the 16th August staff from KPMG arrived at 9am where they were greeted by Tim Pellet the GSPCA Community and Training Officer and after a short induction were set to work around the site at the GSPCA.


Thank you to all involved and supported the Guernsey Gaming Fest' 2018

Submitted by Steve on 12:29, 29th Aug, 2018 | 0

Guernsey Gaming for Good recently held a fabulous and well attended event at the Digital Greenhouse.

The event was well attended and a great day full on games and fun for all ages.


Play Date On The Beach for Cockapoos & friends in aid of the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 11:54, 29th Aug, 2018 | 0

On the 7th October 2018 at 10.30am at Pembroke Bay a Play Date On The Beach for Cockapoos & friends in aid of the GSPCA is being organised.

For those wanting to join in please meet on the sand opposite The Beach House where you will see a GSPCA gazebo.

It is a minimum £5.00 donation per dog which will help the animals and wildlife at the GSPCA and those rescued.

To find out more on this event and updates please visit -
