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Earlier in the week we told you about two kestrels that were rescued recently and in the care of the team at the GSPCA.
We are pleased to report that the younger of the two called 'Bradshaw' is back in the wild where he belongs.
Rescued by GSPCA Volunteer Wardens Matt Hill-Smith and Jen Bradshaw found stunned in the road earlier this month Matt popped in yesterday to take him back to the area where he was found.
Thank fully Bradshaw wasn't injured badly and after a short period or rest and care he was fit enough to go back where he belonged.
We are pleased to report that 4 of the rescued oiled guillemots found around Guernsey in January are clean from oil and have been rehabilitating on one of our pools.
Lihou, Pegasus, Bob and Rockmount who were all oiled and very poorly when they arrived at the GSPCA have all received a number of washes, treatment, medication, time in an intensive care unit, a lot of fish and have been getting use to being outside over the last few weeks.
Last week Sarah Creasey Animal Welfare and Education Officer gave a tour to the 8th Guernsey Cubs.
The Cubs got to see behind the scenes and meet many of the animals in our care and enjoyed a talk from Sarah as they went around the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.
The group enjoyed themselves so much that last night they decided to raise funds for the many animals in our care and particularly one of the thinnest rescues we have seen being Bonnie the grey seal pup.
We are pleased to update that Bonnie the grey seal pup rescued below the cliffs on the south coast of Guernsey last month continues to improve.
Since being rescued at only 14kg in weight she has responded well to treatment and is putting weight on daily enjoying large numbers of fresh fish.
We are hoping in the next few days she will be ready to go out into the pools to start the next stage of her rehabilitation.
Last week 2 kestrels were rescued in 2 days.
The first bird now named 'Bradshaw' after the finder who is actually one of our Volunteer Wardens was found stunned in the road and is a young adult. He was found on Friday on Braye Road and after a few days care he is now ready for release which will be done after all the checks have been completed.
The second bird was rescued on Saturday on L'Ancresse and is a much older bird that was found coated in oil.
Here is a write up from Aoife Bennett an amazing lady who with Mike Meinke are taking on a challenge to raise funds for the many animals at the GSPCA.
Aoife Bennett says.....
Following a long recovery as a result of breaking two bones in my back in 2009, it has been a challenge to maintain a steady level of fitness. Later in 2014 I contracted a viral infection that seriously affected my balance called Labyrinthitis, which meant no exercise for a further 6 months.
So what has kept me going?
Nine days ago a stray canary was rescued on La Brigade.
Joey as the male yellow canary has been called is doing well at the GSPCA and is currently singing to the other birds in our care.
Yvonne Chauvel Senior Animal Care Assistant said "Last week a stray canary was rescued and brought into the Shelter who we have called Joey."
"He is singing so we know he is a boy and yellow in colour and we are appealing for an owner to please pop in or give us a call on 257261."
As part of GSPCA Purple Week and to celebrate our 143rd anniversary we held a Birthday Bingo night at the Last Post on Tuesday.
The event was well attended and all had a lovely evening with 8 games of bingo with food served by the Last Post team during the break.
There were many winners and each of the tables took a selection of prizes home.
The last game with the Jackpot prize was a double winner and both ladies shared the winnings and prizes.
During the school breaks we run a series of guided tours at the GSPCA and we have now planned for 2016 with some special tours for the children.
It is your opportunity to visit behind the scenes at our Animal Shelter in St Andrews and see the work being carried out for the new build.
We are arranging the guided tours on a series of dates at 2pm.
We ask for a minimum donation of £5 per person and £3 per child, or £15 for a family of four. In 2016 we have some themed tours which are £15 per child.
This Shrove Tuesday many of us will shopping for our ingredients today. The GSPCA would like to remind everyone to think of the produce that you are going to use and please look to buy Animal Welfare friendly products such as free range eggs.
Although the EU legislation has forced many battery farms to improve their standards, chickens that live as free range birds have a much better quality of life.