Send or bring your pet pictures - Animal Selfie Show & Competition at the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday 13th September

Submitted by Steve on 11:42, 1st Sep, 2015 | 0

Not got a dog you can bring down, but own a pet then this is your chance to take part in a show without the need to bring them along.

We are asking pet owners to take pictures of their pets and for a donation per class you can enter your cat, rabbit, horse, donkey, stick insect, tortoise, whatever it may be into a virtual pet show.

There is even a chance to win with pictures of wildlife you may have taken.

It all takes place on Sunday 13th September as part of our Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday.

Every picture will be considered for each class and they are:


William Wilberforce Day - an inspirational person who helped create the first ever animal welfare charity

Submitted by Steve on 08:54, 24th Aug, 2015 | 0

William Wilberforce Day is celebrated annually on the birth date of William Wilberforce as an opportunity for people everywhere to celebrate the life and legacy of the revolutionary British abolitionist. William Wilberforce was born in the East Riding of Yorkshire on August 24, 1759.


First animals adopted from the New Multi Purpose Animal Welfare Building

Submitted by Steve on 17:31, 18th Aug, 2015 | 0

On Thursday last week the first ever animal was officially adopted from the new multi purpose animal welfare building.

We officially received the keys of the new build on the 17th July and since then a number of cats have come to stay in the new build.


Thank you to Sandra Bishop for helping our wishes come true - GSPCA Amazon Wish List

Submitted by Steve on 09:21, 15th Aug, 2015 | 0

We would like to say a huge thank you to Sandra Bishop who kindly donated a number of items to help us in our new multi purpose animal welfare building.

Yesterday we received a package at the Shelter and when opened it contained a number of window squeeges and a tay scratcher toy.

We are very excited to be moving into our new Multi Purpose Animal Welfare Building and we now need to kit the facility out with equipment and items to help care for the animals that will be housed within the facility.


American to Australian Voluntourists from the Crystal Serenity help out at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 08:10, 12th Aug, 2015 | 0

Yesterday at the GSPCA we welcomed our second group of Voluntourists of 2015.

9 holiday makers from the Crystal Serenity spent much of Tuesday learning about and helping animals in Guernsey.

This is the second year we are offering a Volutourist day at the Shelter with Crystal Cruises and all of the group left the GSPCA smiling having had an enjoyable although rather damp time.


We need your help to make our wishes come true - Could you help donate equipment for our new Animal Building

Submitted by Steve on 15:18, 10th Aug, 2015 | 0

We are very excited to be moving into our new Multi Purpose Animal Welfare Building and we now need to kit the facility out with equipment and items to help care for the animals that will be housed within the facility.


Could you help us collect on the 22nd August for our Flag Day to help animals in Guernsey? You can even dress as a Giant Animal

Submitted by Steve on 14:21, 10th Aug, 2015 | 0

On Saturday the 22nd August the GSPCA will be collecting around Guernsey for our annual Flag Day.

We have filled many of the locations, but we are appealing for volunteers to help with collecting. 

Sarah Ozanne Organisor of this years Flag Day said "Last year we helped raise over £3000 during our Flag Day."

"Our main flag day is on Saturday 22nd August and if you can help I would love to hear from you."

"Thank you to those that helped collect and donated the other week when we were at Waitrose and we are hoping to collect at Marks and Spencers in October."


Thank you to the 128 hands from Northern Trust that have helped at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 10:22, 7th Aug, 2015 | 0

Yesterday the GSPCA team were joined by 5 volunteers from  Northern Trust who gave up a day in the office to help the team paint, decorate and other work at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.


Mexican BINGO Fiesta Wednesday 16th September at the Market Bistro

Submitted by Steve on 08:39, 31st Jul, 2015 | 0

Mexican BINGO Fiesta at the Market Bistro inside the Market Building, St Peter Port Wednesday 16th September 2015


Northern Trust Community Partners second day helping at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 09:47, 24th Jul, 2015 | 0

Yesterday the GSPCA team welcomed the second group of volunteers from  Northern Trust. 13 of their staff gave up a day in the office to help the team at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews with all sorts of jobs.
