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We are pleased to report that both Hanois and Jethou Bumblebe the rescued grey seal pups are recovering well.
Jethou Bumblebee who has been cared for at the GSPCA for just over 9 weeks has doubled his original weight and looking very healthy.
Hanois who was rescued early this year is also putting on weight and his chest infection is much improved.
Jethou Bumblebee has been at the Shelter for just over 4 weeks and has really grown an appetite.
With 15 to 20 fish being swallowed a day he has put on an additional 10kg which is fantastic news as he was only 17kg on entry.
Staff at the Shelter have decided now to do the rehabilitation work at the GSPCA and we are appealing for donations of fish, especially herring and mackerel.
Geoff George ACO and the main carer for Jethou Bumblebee said 'I am so pleased with his progress.'
Over 3 weeks since the rescue we have had ups and downs with Jethou Bumblebee but GSPCA staff are pleased with his progress.
When Jethou Bumblebee was rescued he was 3 - 4 weeks of age and a healthy grey seal of that age would normally weight 40kg. When Jethou Bumblebee was rescued he weighed just over 17kg which was less than half of what he should of done.
Since being at the Shelter he has been having a series of medications, re-hydration fluids and fish soup. He is doing that well he is even eating whole fish all on his own.
We are pleased to announce that Jethou Bumblebee is doing extremely well.
He has been on fish soup for the past few days and last night devoured his first fish all on his own.
His appetite has picked up and he is going through fish at a rate on knots. As such the GSPCA are appealing for fish so that we can meet his very hungry belly.
The GSPCA would also like to appeal for a new chest freezer to help store all of the fish he will require to get him back to health.