Stray corn snake found on Vale Road

Submitted by Steve on 10:28, 30th Jun, 2021 | 0

On Sunday 27th June a stray corn snalke was found on Vale Road.

The reptile is safe and well at the GSPCA where we are appealing for the owner to come forward.

The GSPCA are appealing for anyone that has any information or lost a corn snake to contact the Animal Shelter on 01481 257261 or email [email protected] .

Yvonne Chauvel GSPCA Senior Animal care Assistant said “on Sunday a stray corn snake was found on Vale Road and we are trying to find the owner.”


Stray turtle on her way back home

Submitted by Steve on 10:15, 30th Jun, 2021 | 0

Earlier this month the GSPCA had a very large turtle recued after being handed into Les Eturs Veterinary Centre.

The reptile was found in Castel earlier this mont and the GSPCA have been trying to find the owner and we are delighted to say that today was the magical day that ‘Tilly as she is named was reunited.

Will Domaille GSPCA staff member said “The turtle was found in Castel and it was great to hand her back to her owners today.”

“We actually have quite a few musk turtles at the GSPCA in need of homes and anyone interested please do get in touch with us.”


FOUND 2 STRAY RABBITS – Lop eared grey and white bunny found at L’Ancresse and poorly black lop bunny at Pleinmont

Submitted by Steve on 15:05, 3rd Sep, 2019 | 0

Last night the GSPCA wardens were called out to rescue a stray bunny from L’Ancresse.

The very friendly grey and white adult lop eared rabbit sadly has no microchip and the GSPCA is appealing for information to get this lovely rabbit home.

Earlier in the day the GSPCA Ambulance Driver was called to help another poorly black rabbit which was also a lop eared rabbit, but this one was found at Pleinmont.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Just after 9pm last night our GSPCA Volunteer Wardens arrived with a lovely grey and white lop eared rabbit that was found at L’Ancresse.”


Missing 2 Black Swans from the Bordeaux area

Submitted by Steve on 15:00, 28th Aug, 2019 | 0

At the GSPCA we have had a report of a pair of Black Swans missing from the Bordeaux area.

The owner has asked to put an appeal out for any information into the whereabouts of the male and female adult birds.

If you have any information please call the GSPCA on 01481 257261.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “This morning we received a report of two adult Black Swans, a male and female that have gone missing in the Bordeaux area in the last few days.”


PLEASE HELP... Sterling is a silver tabby who has been missing since 1 October 2017

Submitted by Steve on 07:33, 30th May, 2018 | 0

Please help find Sterling the silver tabby cat find his way home.

At the time he went missing, he was wearing a blue collar with a bell attached.

There have been many sightings of him around the area of St Saviours and some quite close to his home.

His owners are very worried about him, and desperately want him back.  If you think you have seen Sterling, please put out some food for him, but don’t attempt to catch him as he will be very nervous by now and will most likely run away, please call, day or night.


Restaurant going snake - Stray young snake found on South Esplanade

Submitted by Steve on 09:08, 8th May, 2018 | 0

Last night just after 8pm GSPCA Ambulance Night Wardens were called out to the seafront in St Peter Port to collect the fourth stray reptile in a week.

Two stray tortoise have been claimed, the bearded dragon is still at the Shelter and we are appealing for an owner to come forward and the reptile rescued last night is a Ghost Corn Snake.

GSPCA Ambulance Night Wardens Matt Hill-Smith and Jen Bradshaw arrived at a restaurant on South Esplanade and found a very sweet, pretty, young Ghost Corn Snake.


UPDATE STRAY CAT LOST St Andrews on Friday 30 March (please share/call 257261 any sightings) - 2 1/2 year old male tabby & white

Submitted by Steve on 17:13, 12th Apr, 2018 | 0

UPDATE STRAY CAT LOST IN St Andrews on Friday 30th March (please share & call 257261 any sightings) - A 2 1/2 year old male tabby and white cat has gone missing in the Rue des Truchots area of St Andrews,

He has white paws, goldy eyes and a strippy tabby. He is very friendly. No collar. Short haired.

He may be making his way to Torteval, but has possibly been seen in the St Andrews area still.

Any sightings or information please call the 257261 

or email [email protected]


Stray black very timid adult cat caught in St Peter Port with no chip now at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 13:26, 1st Dec, 2017 | 0

On Wednesday evening just after 1130pm a black cat was caught in a cat trap in a property car park in St Peter Port.

The cat which had been seen many times in the area over a 2 month period appeared thin and extremely nervous and appeared to be living in the car park which raised concerns over whether it had an owner.

The GSPCA after some advice lent a trap to catch the cat and with 24 hours the cat was caught and brought up to the Shelter where the black feline has been named 'Tomsie'.


Stray cat found in St Peter Port – long haired female tortie adult cat now at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 10:04, 21st Sep, 2017 | 0

Last night the GSPCA warden on call collected a stray cat from St Peter Port and the GSPCA are currently appealing for an owner to come forward.

The female, tortie, long haired, adult cat is currently at the GSPCA, fit and well.

Sadly she has no microchip or tag and if anyone has any information please call the Shelter on 257261.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "Last night GSPCA Warden Michelle Champion was called out to collect a stray cat that has been around the Capston Walk area in St Peter Port."


Stray Muscovy Duck at the GSPCA found on La Monnaie

Submitted by Steve on 07:34, 12th May, 2017 | 0

On the 28th April a stray Muscovy Duck was found on La Monnaie and the GSPCA are currently appealing for an owner to come forward.

Now named 'Quackers' the bird is currently at the GSPCA, fit and well.

The adult bird has been at the GSPCA for nearly two weeks and if anyone has lost their Muscovy Duck or has any information please call the Shelter on 257261.

Yvonne Chauvel Senior Animal Care Assistant said "Quackers is doing very well but we would love to find the owner."
