World Stray Day April 4th - Is your pet microchipped? Nearly 1 in 2 animals aren't. Only £4.99 at the GSPCA

Submitted by GSPCA on 18:09, 3rd Apr, 2012 | 0

Tomorrow is World Stray Day and the GSPCA are urging pet owners to ensure that their pets are microchipped.

Every month the GSPCA deal with dozens of stray dogs and cats that are found wandering the streets or as road traffic accidents.


Microchip Special Offer - Only £4.99 from 1st March until World Stray Animal Day, 4th April 2012

Submitted by GSPCA on 13:31, 29th Mar, 2012 | 0

The GSPCA and Guernsey Animal Aid receive dozens of stray animals every month.  Some have collars with owners details and some are returned to owners that have left us information looking for their lost pet.  Thankfully many are Microchipped so after scanning them we can quickly get them back to their owners, but not enough!


Dipstick has a very happy Valentines

Submitted by GSPCA on 14:28, 15th Feb, 2012 | 0

We all hope that Valentines Day will be a happy one and for 2012 it certainly was for one cat.


Microchipped AWOL pets means Animals Which Owners Locate - From only £8 at the GSPCA

Submitted by GSPCA on 09:37, 29th Sep, 2011 | 0


Guernsey Dog Tax Increase

Submitted by GSPCA on 08:22, 29th Sep, 2011 | 0
