World Animal Day at the GSPCA was a fantastic day, lots of animals microchipped and thanks to Waitrose staff

Submitted by GSPCA on 11:47, 5th Oct, 2012 | 0

Yesterday on Thursday 4th October the GSPCA opened it's doors for World Animal Day between 11am and 4pm to celebrate animals and hold a free microchipping event as part of the celebrations.

Dozens of visitors turned up for the guided tours, enjoy the refreshments, browse the goods on sale and see the many animals at the Shelter.


GSPCA Volunteer Appeal For Cattery & Night Wardens

Submitted by GSPCA on 13:23, 21st Sep, 2012 | 0

Could you spend a few hours helping the GSPCA in the morning for a few hours, a full day or more?

The GSPCA is currently inundated with cats many of which can be seen if you -

Cats looking for homes


A huge thanks & now we are calling all volunteers for the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday

Submitted by GSPCA on 19:48, 31st Aug, 2012 | 0

The GSPCA would like to extend a HUGE thanks to everyone that has helped at the many events over the last few weeks.  From Guernsey Festival to Chaos, the West to the North Show, Donkey Derby to Vale Earth Fair and of course the dozens of volunteers that helped collected all over Guernsey on Saturday during our flag day.  The money is still being counted and figures of the fantastic effort will be released soon.

We are now calling all volunteers that can help at our Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday on the 9th September to meet up for a briefing before the day.


The GSPCA has a helping hand thanks to Situations Recruitment

Submitted by GSPCA on 14:41, 17th Jul, 2012 | 0

Every day the GSPCA rescue, rehabilitate and rehome animals and the summer months are certainly the busiest time of year.

This year we have extra help thanks to Situation Recruitment.  Once a month a member of their staff spends a day at the Shelter.  Whilst at the GSPCA they are helping care for the hundreds of animals and birds at the Shelter.

Andrew Partlow popped along for his first day last Friday and within minutes of arriving found himself scrubbing the many bowls down on the hedgehog unit.


Specsavers Volunteer at the GSPCA

Submitted by GSPCA on 12:27, 9th Jul, 2012 | 0

On Friday last week the GSPCA welcomed a team of 11 Specsaver staff who spent the day volunteering at the Shelter.

Suzanne, Sylvia, Gill, Sadie, Emma, Jason, Julie, Polly, Maurice, Melissa and Chris arrived at 9am sporting very nice clean Specsaver t-shirts, but it wasn’t long before they were well worn in.

The team had a quick welcome and induction, then were split into groups to help the animal care departments.


Volunteer Week - Find out how you can help the GSPCA and animals in Guernsey

Submitted by GSPCA on 19:08, 31st May, 2012 | 0

From the 1st to the 7th June Guernsey like the rest of the UK will be celebrating volunteering during Volunteer Week.

We are always looking for volunteers to help at the Shelter in a variety of roles. Volunteers helping raise funds for the GSPCA Animal Shelter Guernsey


Thank you to the Richmond Group Staff for their huge help cleaning out and helping at the GSPCA

Submitted by GSPCA on 16:49, 4th May, 2012 | 0

Today the GSPCA Animal Shelter welcomed 12 volunteers from Richmond Group for the day.

Staff from Richmond spent the day helping in all areas of work that the Shelter carries out from the hedgehogs to guinea pigs, dogs to cats, feeding baby birds to socialising ferrets. 

Not only did the staff help with caring for the animals they also helped with preparing the new outdoor runs that the Shelter has just constructed to acclimatise the wildlife especially the hedgehogs before they are released back into the wild.


Tinsel home at last!!

Submitted by admin_98734534A on 12:44, 21st Dec, 2010 | 0

I then got the message I was waiting for, that I could re home her, so opted to collect her at the weekend.  In preparation I bought some wood and made her some perches and also found out that turkey’s love to perch on straw bales.  So, me being me of course had to get her one of those!  Many phone calls later I managed to locate some for sale, and I have to say that squashing it into my Smart car was quite an amusing experience.  So there I was, ready for her arrival and generally annoying people by telling anyone who’d listen how excited I was to be getting her!
