West is Best - Pop by the GSPCA stall at the West Show next week

Submitted by Steve on 09:37, 10th Aug, 2018 | 0

For the seventh year in a row the GSPCA are attending the West Show which will be held on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th August 2018.

If you would like to help volunteer of support us we would love to see you on our stall.

If you can help please call 257261 or email [email protected]

Once again our stall will be full of great games & GSPCA goods.

Every year we have a great time enjoying a wonderful local event whilst raising funds on our stall to help the many animals in our care.


West is Best – thanks to all that helped and supported

Submitted by Steve on 19:07, 20th Sep, 2017 | 0

For the sixth year in a row the GSPCA attended the West Show last month.

Once again our stall was full of great games & GSPCA goods.

Every year we have a great time enjoying a wonderful local event whilst raising funds on our stall to help the many animals in our care.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “The West Show is always an amazing summer event and we attended for the 6th year in a row with our GSPCA stall.”


West is Best - Pop by the GSPCA stall at the West Show this week

Submitted by Steve on 08:24, 16th Aug, 2017 | 0

For the sixth year in a row the GSPCA are attending the West Show which will be held on Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th August 2017.

If you would like to help volunteer of support us we would love to see you on our stall.

If you can help please call 257261 or email [email protected]

Once again our stall will be full of great games & GSPCA goods.

Every year we have a great time enjoying a wonderful local event whilst raising funds on our stall to help the many animals in our care.


Great fun at the West Show - thank you to all that helped and supported our GSPCA stall

Submitted by Steve on 23:22, 23rd Aug, 2016 | 0

For the fifth year in a row the GSPCA attended the West Show which was held on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th August 2016 and from all at the Animal Shelter we would like to say a huge thank you to all involved with what was a wonderful event.

Our GSPCA stall had all the favourite games, pet supplies and goods on sale and helped raise over £1800 for the many animals in our care and a huge thanks to all that donated and supported our very busy stall.


West is Best - Pop by the GSPCA stall at the West Show this week

Submitted by Steve on 10:06, 12th Aug, 2016 | 0

For the fifth year in a row the GSPCA are attending the West Show which will be held on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th August 2016.

If you would like to help volunteer of support us we would love to see you on our stall.

If you can help please call 257261 or email [email protected]

Once again our stall will be full of great games, GSPCA goods and pet products.


Wet Wednesday and a busy Thursday at the West Show - thank you to all involved

Submitted by Steve on 11:03, 24th Aug, 2015 | 0

On Wednesday and Thursday once again we went west ot enjoy and run a stall at the fantastic West Show.

Although a little wet on the Wednesday a team of volunteers and staff helped man the GSPCA stall to raise funds and promote the work of the Animal Shelter.

Lorna Prince, Steve Byrne, Reece Gilman, Duncan Cumming, Jo Fox, Joseph Fox, Ellie Fox, Yvonne Chauvel, Kevin Beausire and Helen Holmes helped run the stall over the 2 days and we are hugely grateful to the hundreds, if not thousands of visitors that popped by to support us.


West is Best - Pop by the GSPCA stall at the West Show this week

Submitted by Steve on 17:45, 18th Aug, 2015 | 0

For the fourth year in a row the GSPCA are attending the West Show this week.

If you would like to help volunteer of support us we would love to see you on our stall.

Once again our stall will be full of great games, GSPCA goods and pet products.

Every year we have a great time enjoying a wonderful local event whilst raising funds on our stall to help the many animals in our care.

More about the West Show -


West is Best - Next the Donkey Derby

Submitted by Steve on 12:13, 15th Aug, 2014 | 0

For the third year in a row the GSPCA attended the West Show this week, and once again it was a great event.

With a very sunny Wednesday and Thursday a little wet in the morning the GSPCA team had a fantastic two days raising funds, talking to those interested in volunteering and also many interested in adopting animals from the Shelter.

A giant elephant helped on the Wednesday and Bernard the GSPCA Mascot turned up on the Thursday to entertain the passers by.


Animal Less Animal Show (photo show of your animals) at the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday on the 15th September

Submitted by GSPCA on 07:50, 5th Sep, 2013 | 0

Not got a dog or can't bring it down on the 15th September or you have other pets at home then this is your chance to take part in a show without the need to bring them along.

We are asking pet owners to take pictures of their pets and for 50p per entry per class you can enter your cat, rabbit, horse, donkey, stick insect, tortoise, whatever it may be into a virtual pet show..


Have you signed up for your place in the Giant Animal Mascot Race yet?

Submitted by GSPCA on 15:26, 29th Aug, 2013 | 0

We are now up to 19 Giant Animal Mascots for the Giant Animal Mascot Race for the Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday.

Have you chosen yours?

With another 40 suits to fill the film strip pictured are those still yet to get an owner for the races that are due to start at 1pm on the day.

Whether your a business with a keen staff member or just chatting to your friends down the pub its a great race, raising funds to help animals in Guernsey.
