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Last week the GSPCA were approached to ask the question if we had a life saving dog.
Sadly a dog had been rushed to Isabelle Vets with health problems which meant the dog required a blood transfusion.
The GSPCA has over 200 animals at the Shelter from dogs to birds, cats to a horse and we the GSPCA team took a dog Tally up to the vets to see if he would be suitable.
Tally is an energetic lively dog lwho has come in to the Animal Shelter to find a new home. He is a 6 year old flat coated retriever and loves people.
Animal Collection Officer Geoff George drove Tally along to the surgery where they checked him over before taking his blood.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said 'We always strive to help animals where ever and when ever we possibly can at the GSPCA, and this is the first time this year we've been asked if we have any dogs that could give blood.'
'Tally is a lovely dog and did really well at the vets when he went to give blood.'
'The dog Tally helped is owned by Bridget who is not only a good friend of the GSPCA but is one of our great volunteers and we are so happy we could help her dog Max through this very difficult time.'
Owner of the dog needing the blood transfusion Bridget Henley said 'Max saw the vet on Monday and she was very pleased with him, we take it one day at a time and Max is thoroughly enjoying doing nothing!'
'His appetite is fine again too!'
'We will be forever grateful to Tally and hope he has found his happy home.'
Sheryl Carre Animal Care Assistant and one carer of Tally said 'We are so happy when we are able to help other pet owners in Guernsey and Tally is a fantastic dog.'
'We now have a home for Tally and I am sure they will love him as much as we do and will tell all their friends of his life saving story.'
We have lots of animals in need of homes. Could you help us advertise them? To download a the posters please click here. or to share them on social media please click here.
We have lots of animals in need of homes. Could you help us advertise them? To download a the posters please click here. or to share them on social media please click here.
To donate to help animals in our care please click on this link, call 01481 257261, by post or popping into the Shelter.
GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD
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