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It is amazing the ways supporters of the GSPCA raise funds to help the 1000’s of animals that come through our care every year.
Just before lockdown we had an amazing donation from Carla Munday who had been selling goods through facebook to help raise the much needed funds to help run the GSPCA.
We asked Carla to tell us all about it and here is what she said -
“In 2019 I attended one of your volunteer induction evening. I then attended the cattery on a couple occasions to help with feeding and cleaning there pens out.
Michelle Champion then contacted me one day asked if I would be interested in fund raising on the street of St Peter Port, which I spent a couple hours outside of Boots collectng donations. She then asked me to help with the Pop Up Shop in Smith Street which I really enjoyed.
I know a few ladies who run fund raising bid to win pages on Facebook raising money for various charities so I decided it would be great to do my own for the GSPCA.
Originally I was posting items on one of the other ladies groups however, you were only allowed to post so many items at a time and I wanted to do a lot more so I decided on setting my own page up.
The page I chose was to raise money for the GSPCA and I called the page All creatures great and small.
I would advertise on Facebook and groups for donations and was totally amazed at how generous the people of Guernsey were. Every day I was out and about collecting items for the site.
Once I had the items and sorted through them making sure they were in good condition it was time to get them on the page.
I would post 1 item at a time and would start off with a bidding price of usually around 1.00 depending on the item.
It was amazing how high some bids went up too. Those bidding had 5 days to collect and pay for their goods which were placed in a huge tub in my porch way each in bags with label; and money bag attached for payment to go into.
Although very time consuming I really enjoy doing this work. I enjoyed it so much that I started to do monthly raffles to raise more money. This included hampers at Xmas time and each month I would do a scratch card draw and a weekly bonus balls. This gave everyone who took part a chance of winning a little extra money and some of it going to the charity.
I have over 500 member at present time and hope that will grow as time goes by.
I myself have two cats. Ezy I have had since he was 8 weeks old he is now 2 years old. A year ago in April 2019 I noticed a ginger cat sitting in my porch and over time was brave enough to come through the cat flap and make himself at home.
I knew the owner who lived across the road from me and she was aware that the cat was spending his time at my house even as far as sleeping with me.
His name is Rooney and he will be 12 years old this year.
The owner then asked me if I wanted to adopt him as she could see how happy he was here and she did not think it was fair to force him away. I have now officially adopted Rooney and he is big part of my life as is Ezy.
Ezy and Rooney get along extremely well which is nice to see and I like to think I am giving Rooney the best life in his senior years.
I adore cats which is bizarre really as years ago I was highly allergic to them. I seem to have become immune and would have many more if I could.
Unable to work due to my health volunteering is so rewarding and keeps me busy at the same time. I just love doing it all and making a difference to the animals.
If at any time I was in position to return to work it would most defiantly be with animals.
Thank you to everyone who has supported my page and helped to raise funds for the GSPCA it really is wonderful.
In just a few months I had raised 800.00
Carla Munday”
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “From all of the team and animals at the GSPCA we want to say a huge thank you to Carla for all of her help, support and of course the amazing funds she has raised through her facebook sales.”
“Without kind individuals like Carla and those that have supported her page and donated items then the GSPCA couldn’t do so much to help so many animals 24/7.”
“It is such a difficult time due to the Covid-19 pandemic and to help raise the much needed funds we have launched our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal and if you would like to donate you can do so by calling 01481 257261, by post or online via our web page .”
“Another great way to supporting is by donating each month and to find out details please visit this web page .”
“Without your support the GSPCA couldn’t achieve so much caring and helping over 3000 animals every year.”
“If any business would like to support our work in any way from making donations to wish list items we would love to hear from you and please call us or email me “
To make a donation by post please make cheques payable to 'GSPCA’ and post to GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD.
To visit the ALL CREATURES GREAT & SMALL/BID TO WIN facebook page please go to
In line with States of Guernsey advice please DO NOT visit the GSPCA if you are over 65, have an underlying health condition or have any symptoms of Coronavirus and only visit us if your visit is essential but before doing so please call us on 01481 257261 or email before your trip to the GSPCA to see if we can help without you coming to the Shelter. For the latest information and advice please visit
With huge challenges on our resources and a drop in income from boarding and donations please help us help animals in Guernsey with our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal by donating online via -
During these difficult times help us help animals in need. From donating to Sponsoring a Pen, Buying a Brick for the much needed Wildlife Hospital to our Amazon and main page Wish List, holding a mufti day to a sponsored Christmas dip, here are some of the ways you could help give animals joy.
For lots more ideas on how you can support the shelter and the animals in our care then please visit our fundraising page
To see a list of our volunteer induction evenings which we hold each month and for more information please visit or call 257261
To find out more on trips, talks and our education work please email or call 01481 257261
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