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Today is Ferret Day and many ferret owners will be celebrating with their wonderful pets.
In recent years we have seen a decrease in the number of stray and unwanted ferrets and currently we only have 2 ferrets in need of homes at the GSPCA.
If we just go back 5 to 10 years the GSPCA would often help over 50 ferrets a year and would often have 10 to 15 looking for new homes.
Currently there is just Whiffy and Tiffnay at the GSPCA two young ferrets in need.
Both came in last Summer from the St Andrews area and are currently looking for new homes.
Our ferrets are neutered before rehoming and we also treat them for any other ailments they may have and we will carry out a home visit before they are homed.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "Today is Ferret Day and every year we help find dozens of them new and loving homes, but thankfully we have been experiencing lower numbers each year."
"We have had years where we have helped over 50 ferrets come through our doors at the GSPCA, but in 2019 we had just 15 making it the lowest number in recent recorded history."
"Many of the ferrets we have brought in are escaped pets and during the Summer we often see youngsters that are born in the wild by females that haven't been neutered."
"Ferrets make fantastic pets and are very clever, you can walk them on a lead and this has been going on since the time of the Egyptians and once neutered don't smell as bad as many people think."
"The ferrets currently at the GSPCA in need of homes are Tiffany and Whiffy who were both found as strays in St Andrews."
"Did you know you can house train ferrets and if you are interested in adopting one please call us on 257261 email [email protected] or pop in for details."
To see the ferrets in need of a new home please click here .
Here are some interesting facts about ferrets:
An unspayed female ferret is called a jill while a spayed female is a sprite.
An intact male is a hob and a neutered male is called a gib.
Baby ferrets are called kits.
Ferrets have been domesticated for thousands of years; in fact, on the walls of some Egyptian tombs there are pictures of ferret-like creatures on leashes.
Ferrets have no inherent fear of humans.
A group of ferrets is known as a business.
A newborn ferret is so small that it can fit into a teaspoon!
All ferret kits have white fur at birth. After kithood (6-8 weeks of age) ferrets make very few sounds.
The average ferret lives to be 6 or 7 years old. Ferrets like to crawl into small dark spaces to sleep.
Ferrets are members of the mink family.
Ferrets can sleep so soundly that they cannot be woken up even when picked up and jostled.
A small ferret may be able to squeeze through a hole just over an inch in diameter.
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