Submitted by Steve on 18:16, 3rd Feb, 2015 | 0

Just over two weeks ago you may remember 'Frank' an oiled sea bird arrived at the GSPCA.

Frank was found near the Fairy Rink in Pleinmont covered in oil on January 15th.

After a period in an intensive care unit, a number of bathes to remove the oil and treatment he has been recovering well.

Today with his feather condition recovering he had his first dip out on the pool at the GSPCA, which despite the cold he seemed to thoroughly enjoy.

Yvonne Chauvel Senior Animal Care Assistant said "Although quite cold at the moment we are very thankful at the GSPCA that the weather has been fairly mild, as we often see large numbers of oiled birds at this time of year when it is stormy."

"The rough sea can churn up oil that has settled on the sea bed, which birds get contaminated when they land on the water, loose their water coating and then loose their strength."

"After 2 weeks of care, bathes and treatments Frank is doing very well and had his first dip in our rehabilitation pool."

"Frank is doing very well at the GSPCA and we hope to get him back to the wild very soon."

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "This time last year at the GSPCA we were inundated with oiled birds, the two seals and even the dolphin rescue."

"We are really pleased with Frank and his progress and hope to see him back where he belongs very soon."

"We have a page full of advice on what to do if you find injured wildlife which you can find by going to or please call us on 01481 257261."

"Did you know you could help us with our wildlife by sponsoring them through our Angel Pen Pal Sponsorship Scheme which you can see by going to"

Here is some simple advice on what to do if you find sea life affected by any oiled substance -

  • Do not risk your safety by looking for or picking up birds from dangerous locations. Be aware of the tides and weather conditions.
  • If you do find an oiled bird and it is safe to pick it up, ensure that you are wearing gloves because the oil could be hazardous to your health. The birds may also try to peck you, so keep them away from your face.
  • Collected birds should be placed on their own in cardboard boxes with newspaper or a towel. DO NOT use hay or straw. The boxes should have ventilation holes.
  • Call the GSPCA 24 hour help line on 01481 257261 or take the bird directly to the Animal Shelter in St Andrews
  • Please do not attempt to wash or feed the bird yourself - leave that to the Shelter staff and volunteers who have the correct training and facilities.

The GSPCA receives dozens of birds every year due to a variety of oiled substances but this simple advice can help save those birds in need.

The Guillemot

The UK's coasts have many stretches of cliffs where seabirds breed such as the 950'000 pairs of Guillemots live and breed around the UK. They comes to land only to nest, spending the most of their life at sea, where like Frank and his friends are vulnerable to oil spills. Guillemots are dark brown and white, not as black as the similar Razorbill, it has a 'bridled' form with a white ring round the eye and stripe behind it. Their Latin name is Uria aalge and they are part of the Auks (Alcidae) family. In winter they are widespread around UK coasts but usually well offshore. However during bad weather such as gales they can be forced inland. They feed on fish and crustaceans and you are best to see them between May and July when they breed.


Here is a full list of upcoming Bingo Dates -

  • Wednesday 11th February GSPCA Alice in Wonderland Birthday week with a Purple theme
  • Tuesday 17th March St Patricks theme
  • Tuesday 21st April Queens birthday theme
  • Tuesday 26th May John Waynes birthday cowboy theme
  • Monday 22nd June Summer Solstice themed Bingo
  • Tuesday 14th July Bastille Day Bingo French theme
  • Wednesday 26th August Dog Day Bingo
  • Wednesday 16th September Mexican Independence Day Bingo
  • Monday 12th October Spain Day Bingo
  • Monday 30th November St Andrews Day Scottish Bingo
  • Each of the Bingo nights are £14.50 per person or £10.50 for children.  They start at 7pm and for the price it includes Food and 8 Games of Bingo.

    Fancy dress and bringing a musical instrument is optional, but encouraged.

    Menu – Is a themed buffet with Vegetarian and Dairy, Wheat and Gluten free options

    To Book your place or table please call 01481 257261 or online via our paypal link.

    Cash prizes, tombola, raffle and all proceeds helping animals in Guernsey.

    Bingo Bash top prizes have reached £100 for the final game.

    Can seat up to 180, please book your seat by lunch time on the day.

    Possible seats on the night but please try and book early.


    To book via paypal, in the reference box please enter the date and theme of the evening you would like to attend, as well as the numbers of adults and children with their requirements of vegetarian or gluten free if needed. Also please enter a contact phone number.

    If you would like to help at the event, donate raffle prizes or know more please contact Steve Byrne on 01481 257261 or email

    Click here to find out about our GSPCA Build Partner Programme.

    GSPCA Purple Birthday Alice in Wonderland themed bingo at the Market Bistro Wednesday 11th February, please click here for details

    GSPCA Purple birthday Alice in WOnderland themed bingo at the Market Bistro in Guernsey with the GSPCA 

    GSPCA Purple Week 9th - 15th February, celebrating 142 years helping animals in Guernsey. Please click here to find out how to get involved

    To book for Sidney's Sponsored Events 1920's St. Valentine's Day Mafia Ball on Saturday 14th February 2015 please click here

    Have you got a GSPCA Hoody, Polo Shirt, Sweat Shirt or T-shirt? If not get yours by clicking here.

    To find out about our Events, how to become a Member, Sponsor an Animal Pen, our Wish List, Corporate Sponsorship & Volunteering, , our New Build & Redevelopment Appeal and much more please click here.

    There are many ways to support the work of the GSPCA and you can even donate online by clicking the paypal link below.

    Donate with JustGiving and PayPal

    By post cheques payable to 'GSPCA' - GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD

    Or by phone 01481 257261.

    To find out more regarding our Angel Sponsorship Scheme please click here.

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