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Earlier this year the GSPCA were called out to help a large number of ducks in need.
Many have thankfully found new homes but we currently still have Chip, Mr Potts and Mrs Potts, the Runner Ducks and Gilly, Barristan, Danaerys, Gregor, Hodor, Jofrey, Jon Snow, Petyr, Renly, Robb, and Roose the Muscovy Ducks.
That’s right we have 14 ducks looking for new owners.
If you are interested you can visit the Shelter 7 days a week ideally between 11am and 4pm when the viewing areas of animals are open.
Yvonne Chauvel Senior Animal Care Assistant said “The 14 ducks we have are all lovely and we are trying to find them a new home.”
”We did have 40 ducks looking for homes and have rehomed nearly 30 of them leaving these 14.”
“If you can help our feathered friends please do pop in and we can let you know more.”
"We also have 4 cockerels in need of new homes and many other pet birds."
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager “When we had all of the Runner and Muscovy Ducks arrive we had to think of names for them all and we used quite a few names from the Game of Thrones and others from Beauty and the Beast.”
“All the ducks are very friendly and we would love to find them a good home.”
“We have many animals in need of homes which you can see many of them by visiting .”
“Our front desk is open days a week and the best time to view animals in need of a home is any day between 11am and 4pm.”
For more information please call 01481 257261, email or pop to the Shelter which you can find us at GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8UD and Perry Guide page 24 A1 off Route de la Croix au Bailiff.
Some awards open for nominations currently are –
The ADCH & Petplan Awards -
The Ceva Animal Welfare Awards –
To find out more on trips, talks and our education work please email or call 01481 257261
To donate to the animals in our care please visit -
If you would like to help at one of our upcoming events please give Michelle a call on 257261 or email
If you would like to find out more on how you can support the shelter and the animals in our care then please visit our fundraising page
To see some of the animals looking for homes at the GSPCA please visit –
Another way to support us is our on site Charity Shop and refreshment area and to find out more please visit -
If your group or business would like to find out about spending a day at the Shelter please go to -
For other ways your business can help us here at the GSPCA please go to -
To find out our opening hours and when you can visit some of the animals in our care please visit
To see some of the animals looking for homes please visit -
On Tuesday 4th December we have a volunteer induction evening and for more information and additional induction dates please visit or call 257261
To see our upcoming guided tours please visit -
To become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor to sponsor the hoglets and support our work please visit -
To see our Wish List on our website please visit -
To visit the details on the Urgent Kennel Floor Appeal please visit -
To Buy a Brick in the new Wildlife Hospital and find out more please click here -
To Buy a Brick in the new Wildlife Hospital and download a leaflet please click here -
To learn more about our biggest project, become an Exclusive Build Partner and support our Wildlife Hospital please visit
To visit our Amazon Wish list please visit -
To set up a Just Giving page to do some fund raising for our work or animals in our care please visit - Or a page please visit -
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