Today we celebrate 149 years please donate and support #GSPCAPurpleWeek
Posted by Steve on 14th Feb, 2022 |
On 11th February, 1873, a meeting was convened in the rooms of the Societe Guernesiaise “for the purpose of considering the expediency of establishing in the Island a Societe for the suppression of Cruelty to Animals” and the Dean of Guernsey was called to the Chair. The Patron of the Society...
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#GSPCAPurpleWeek Celebrate with us 149 years – Huge thanks to the staff at MJ Hudson
Posted by Steve on 12th Feb, 2022 |
The GSPCA would like to say a huge thanks to the staff at MJ Hudson who had a very impressive cake sale in aid of the GSPCA. Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “What a fantastic cake sale staff at MJ Hudson held recently in aid of us at the GSPCA.” “The cake looked amazing and they raised an incredible...
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#GSPCAPurpleWeek Celebrate with us 149 years Pedro the oiled puffin rescued on Lihou
Posted by Steve on 12th Feb, 2022 |
On Wednesday 9th February an oiled puffin was rescued on Lihou. The very poorly bird is currently recovering in the GSPCA Wildlife room. The GSPCA are currently fund raising for a new Wildlife Hospital and to buy a brick or support this build go to –
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It's #GSPCAPurpleWeek are you helping us celebrate 149 years and supporting our work helping 1000's of animals every year?
Posted by Steve on 11th Feb, 2022 |
Today is the first day of #GSPCAPurpleWeek. On Monday the GSPCA celebrate 149 years helping animals and supporting our community and we want you to help celebrate and support our vital 24/7 work. Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Every February we celebrate our anniversary with #GSPCAPurpleWeek to...
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Edible Guernsey give semi-feral cats a new home after rescuing from a multiple cat home
Posted by Steve on 10th Feb, 2022 |
The GSPCA help 1000’s of cats every year in many ways from strays to those neglected. When we have room we not only help island cats but we help animals from Association of Dogs and Cats Homes (ADCH) which is an organisation made up of over 160 charities across the UK and Ireland. Last October...
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