Liberation Day fun at the Mint Brasserie at the Last Post
Posted by Steve on 11th May, 2021 |
On Sunday the GSPCA supported the activities and fun for Liberation Day at the Mint Brasserie at the Last Post. Hundreds came along to enjoy the music, food, drinks, ice cream, bouncy castles and stalls. Steve Byrne GPSCA Manager said “A huge thanks to Mint Brasserie at the Last Post for the invite...
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Samuels Flower Stall raising funds for the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 11th May, 2021 |
During lockdown 2 Samuel Bader helped raise funds through his vedge hedge stall. Based on Jerbourg Road Samuel Bader who recently turned 12 years old runs a flower stall and earlier this year he decided that the profits would be split between the GSPCA and St Johns Ambulance Guernsey. On Liberation...
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FIREWORK NOTICE - Liberation Day 9th May Castle Breakwater, St Peter Port 915pm
Posted by Steve on 9th May, 2021 |
Every year we hear of firework related incidents involving animals and children. While fireworks may be exciting and pretty to look at and its fun to celebrate many celebrations with a bang, we must put our safety, the safety of our pets and the local wildlife first.  Tonight as part of...
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See the GSPCA at Mint at the Last Post this Liberation Day
Posted by Steve on 7th May, 2021 |
This year the GSPCA once again joins in the Liberation Festivities at the Last Post. We will have our stall with games and GSPCA goodies on sale. Vale Earth Fair helping with Liberation Day Out of Town from midday with an Acoustic Stage hosted by Elliot Albert Orchard & Vale Earth Fair Stage...
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Len Le Prevost’s sponsored post lockdown hair cut at the Mariners Inn in aid of the GSPCA
Posted by Steve on 7th May, 2021 |
Lockdown has caused all sorts of fund raising ideas for good causes and last week one of these took place. Len Le Prevost due to lockdown had grown a very long head of hair and decided to help much needed funds for the GSPCA by cutting it off. Len Le Prevost said “My hair had grown very long and I...
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