GSPCA Share the Rainbow & Pets Drawing competition – closing date 30th April 2020
Posted by Steve on 15th Apr, 2020 |
Today the GSPCA have launched a Drawing Competition which we are asking you to include the Stay Safe Rainbow and your pets or animals that you really like. A winner and runner up will be chosen from each age group which will include a GSPCA T-Shirt and other goodies which we will update you on soon...
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Local charities helping each other
Posted by Steve on 14th Apr, 2020 |
A local therapy dog charity is reaching out to help another animal charity in need. Wellbeing Animals Guernsey (WAG) has made a donation of £1,000 to the GSPCA, primarily to help support the dogs in their care. WAG provides a network of volunteers who, with their dogs, visit many people in a...
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IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM THE GSPCA - Hot Cars Kill Dogs & with social distancing queues you could be some time
Posted by Steve on 11th Apr, 2020 |
With a stunning day again in Guernsey and hot weather the GSPCA has had a number of reports from concerned members of the public that have seen dogs locked in cars during and we want to remind all pet owners of the real dangers to their pets. The GSPCA team have already been out to a number of...
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HAPPY NEWS – Andrew doing well and soon to have a new friend
Posted by Steve on 10th Apr, 2020 |
We are pleased to say that Andrew the Jersey grey seal pup rescued over a year ago is nearly ready for the wild but we have one last step to go. We are hoping when Pebbles the seal pup is ready to introduce them both so they can be released together. Sadly due to the Coronavirus restrictions it is...
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HAPPY NEWS – Pebble the seal pup moves out into the Spring sunshine
Posted by Steve on 10th Apr, 2020 |
On the 13th February the GSPCA team were called out to a very poorly seal pup we named Pebbles and we have some great news as she is doing extremely well. We were all so worried for her when she first arrived and she required around the clock intensive care, but each day she has improved and...
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