Join the GSPCA at the Blanchelande PTFA Summer Fete and St. Andrew’s Parish Celebration of HM’S 90th Birthday
Posted by Steve on 7th Jun, 2016 |
This Sunday the 12th June the GSPCA and St Andrews Floral Group join in with Blanchelande PTFA Summer Fete and St. Andrew’s Parish Celebration of Her Majesty's 90th birthday. There’s free fun and family entertainment including tennis, pets corner, children’s sports, teas, a barbecue, bar...
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Olivia the loggerhead turtle at the GSPCA is hugely grateful to the wonderful team at the Waitrose Rohais last Fish Friday
Posted by Steve on 7th Jun, 2016 |
On Fish Friday last week the wonderful and generous Waitrose Rohais staff and store helped once again towards Olivia the loggerhead turtle.Since she started eating on her own just over 2 weeks ago she is now keen to eat all she can.Every Friday if you have a My Waitrose card the fresh fish counters...
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A wonderful Arts Seafront Sunday - thank you to all involved
Posted by Steve on 6th Jun, 2016 |
Yesterday on the 6th June the GSPCA took a stall down to join the many others celebrating the Arts Seafront Sunday.With fantastic weather and thousands supporting the event at the GSPCA we would like to thank the organisors, the volunteers and all involved.We raised a fantastic £700 and had a huge...
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Guided Tours sell out at the GSPCA - more coming soon and special tours available
Posted by Steve on 6th Jun, 2016 |
Last week during the half term we held tours around the GSPCA to see the hundreds of animals in our care.Every Spring we help hundreds of baby birds, hedgehogs and many more wild animals and birds.The guided tours took groups of over 20 each day behind the scenes and due to the numbers of animals...
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A fantastic Family Fun Day with Guernsey College at Delancey Park
Posted by Steve on 6th Jun, 2016 |
On Thursday the GSPCA joined Guernsey College who were raising funds for 3 charities at Delancey Park.Guernsey College Health & Social Care, Sport and Childcare students and staff arranged an event at Delancey Park which despite a grey start proved extremely popular with well over 1000 visitors...
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