Pet Bereavement evening stirs emotions - thank you to all involved
Posted by Steve on 13th Nov, 2014 |
Last night was our second public Pet bereavement Training session.  Having held a similar event earlier this year, and in house training in 2013 we would like to thank all involved and that came along.The GSPCA along with the Guernsey Bereavement Service worked together to hold both...
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Due to adverse weather conditions we have had to cancel the Dog Friendly bonfire night on Thursday 13th November
Posted by Steve on 11th Nov, 2014 |
Due to adverse weather conditions we have had to cancel the Dog Friendly bonfire night on Thursday 13th November.Thank you for all the encouraging words on the KGV and GSPCA holding the first ever dog friendly bonfire night.We are working on a new date earlier next year probably late October before...
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Please help the owners of Bertie the grey Schnauzer in the North of Guernsey find his way home
Posted by Steve on 11th Nov, 2014 |
On Saturday near the Vale Primary School around 6pm a 7 year old grey Schnauzer rescue dog called Bertie was scared by bonfire displays and escaped from his back garden.The GSPCA have been in contact with his owners Clive and Lynn McMinn who are desperately searching for Bertie.They have been...
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Last Dog First Aid Course of 2014 - Pet Bereavement Training Wednesday 12th November 6.15pm
Posted by Steve on 11th Nov, 2014 |
On Sunday we held our final Dog First Aid Course of 2014.We have held many animal care course for the first time this year and we have been overwhelmed by the attendance and also the gratitude from those attending.Despite the sun shining 6 local dog owners Lynne, Ginny, Derryn, Agnieske, Richard...
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Remembrance the kitten found on site at the GSPCA - please watch out for others in the St Andrews area
Posted by Steve on 10th Nov, 2014 |
Yesterday at the GSPCA we were kept very busy from loose horses to injured cats.Not only were members of the GSPCA team helping animals in need around Guernsey on Remembrance Sunday, but there was one that needed helping on site at the Shelter in St Andrews.Animal Care Assistant Sarah Ozanne and...
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