Longest stay cat Madame Mitzi is in need of her forever home
Posted by GSPCA on 14th Jan, 2014 |
We are over the moon to report that Tilly and Topsy who up until recently were the longest stay cats at the GSPCA are now in their forever home.That now means that Mitzi who arrived at the Shelter last April is now the longest stay cat at the GSPCA Animal Shelter in St Andrews.At just over 9 years...
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Second seal pup rescued in 24 hours
Posted by GSPCA on 10th Jan, 2014 |
Today the GSPCA rescued a second sick seal pup in less than 24 hours since the last.Eden as she has been fondly named was seen earlier this afternoon in Havelet Bay on the Castle Pier next to Castle Cornet and was reported to the Animal Shelter.Geoff George Animal Collection Officer rushed to the...
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Wild Weather affects its first seal pup of 2014 in Guernsey
Posted by GSPCA on 9th Jan, 2014 |
Yesterday the GSPCA received calls along the south coast of a Grey Seal Pup which was first we believe seen in L'Eree.At 4pm we had a call from Jamie Hooper who's from conservation group La Société Guernesiaise which had the pup reported to him at Pezeres Point.Jamie was concerned for the pup and...
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Dog Tax for 2014 is due in Guernsey
Posted by GSPCA on 7th Jan, 2014 |
Owners of dogs in Guernsey are required to buy a licence from their parish authority for each dog they own. Dog Tax is payable annually at a rate of £10.00 per dog and is renewable each January by 31st of the month. Tax is due for all dogs over the age of 6 months - the only exceptions...
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Only a week until the WEA GSPCA Animal Care Course starts - Have you booked your place?
Posted by GSPCA on 6th Jan, 2014 |
With only a week to go have you booked your place on the WEA and GSPCA Animal Care Course?This is the second course to be held at the Animal Shelter in conjunction with WEA.With only a few places left you only have a few days to get a seat to find out about:
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