St Andrews Primary School raising funds for the GSPCA Purple Week on our birthday tomorrow
Posted by GSPCA on 13th Feb, 2014 |
Tomorrow pupils and teachers from St Andrews Primary School will be doing their bit for the GSPCA Purple Week on what is the charities 141st birthday.Not only will pupils and teachers be buying GSPCA purple wrist bands and having a mufti day ,they are also going to have a few special visitors but...
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Vauvert Reception get a look behind the scenes at the GSPCA
Posted by GSPCA on 13th Feb, 2014 |
Yesterday the Vauvert Reception class got an opportunity to see behind the scenes at the GSPCA Animal Shelter.Sarah Creasey the Animal Welfare and Education Officer showed the group around the facilities and talked to them about the work we do.From hedgehogs to guillemots, rabbits to cats the...
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Look out for Fortune the dolphin
Posted by GSPCA on 13th Feb, 2014 |
Yesterday the GSPCA were called as residents of Beaucette Marina were concerned about Fortune the dolphin. The GSPCA immediately sent a rescue you team with the vet John Knight. The team monitored Fortune who was swimming around and as the team prepared to launch a boat Fortune was last seen. With...
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GSPCA team in full swing of the Purple Theme - Are you getting involved this week? Please sponsor them
Posted by GSPCA on 11th Feb, 2014 |
On Thursday the GSPCA will be celebrating 141 years helping animals in Guernsey.All this week we are asking businesses, schools and individuals to help celebrate with a Purple Week theme.From wearing purple to work through for a mufti day to buying a GSPCA Purple Wrist Band there are lots of ways...
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A night full of gratitude at the 131st AGM of the GSPCA days before our 141st year
Posted by GSPCA on 11th Feb, 2014 |
This Thursday the GSPCA celebrates its 141st year since being founded and last night the Society held its 131st Annual General Meeting.With nearly 40 in attendance the night started with a welcome from at the then Acting President John Knight who welcomed all and gave a short insight to the...
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