Submitted by Steve on 11:16, 31st Mar, 2021 | 0

The GSPCA never know what and where something might arrive from and yesterday a poorly bird flew into Guernsey needing our help not by feather but instead by Aurigny wings.

Ronald Gauvin Alderney Wildlife Trust CEO said “Caring for our wildlife and natural environment is often a team effort, and never more so than in the case of wildlife rescue.”

“Today the Alderney Wildlife Trust (AWT staff), who had rescued an oiled Guillemot 10 days ago, and where managing its care with support of the Alderney Animal Welfare Society (AAWS), loaded the recovering bird onto an Aurigny flight with a member of staff so she could received additional care from the wildlife team at the GSPCA.”

“Alderney is home to some of the largest seabird colonies in the whole of the English Channel.”

“The teams of staff and volunteers at the AWT and AAWS support each other in dealing with the numerous injured seabirds and other animals which are discovered each year.”

“However, in incidents such as oiling the long term care and specialist facilities needed to support, what might be many weeks of recovery, requires the facilities and staff that can only be found at the GSPCA centre in Guernsey.”  

“Moving animals between island's on short notice often requires the organising of a 'medevac' flight.”

“Time and again the Aurigny team step up to ensure the animals have a place onboard one of the Dorniers, creating a bridge so desperately needed by the island's wildlife charities.”

Jess Mauger Aurigny PR Manager said “At Aurigny we have been flying the puffin for years, but to help fly this injured guillemot today was a real privilege. It is great when the two islands and organisations work collaboratively together and we wish Jack well with his recovery.”

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said "With over 1500 sick and injured birds rescued and through our doors every year at the GSPCA we help a wide variety of species from across the Bailiwick."

"Thankfully we don't see the numbers of oiled birds as we did in the past but each winter and during stormy months oil gets disturbed from below the waves and comes to the surface contaminating seabirds."

"Jack the Mot a guillemot from Alderney as the bird has been called is one of the very lucky birds to survive and a huge thanks to Alderney Wildlife Trust who rescued the seabird and Alderney Animal Welfare Society for caring for it and not to mention a heartfelt thanks to Aurigny who transported the guillemot to Guernsey."

"Jack the Mot having had the oil cleaned now needs its natural oils to come back to float and will be cared for at the GSPCA until ready for release."

"We will of course keep everyone up to date on Jack the Mots progress."

"If anyone finds any sick or injured animal in the Bailiwick you can call us 24/7 on 01481 257261 and press option 2."

"For more information on how to help injured wildlife and support the work of the GSPCA please visit ."

To discover more about the following please check out the links –

Alderney Animal Welfare Society –

Alderney Wildlife Trust -

Aurigny -

Donate to Jack the Mots care -

Steve continued “With few fund raisers and next to no boarding due to lockdown the GSPCA income has been hit hard and we need your support now more than ever.”

“There are many ways you can help support our vital 24/7 work and donate or raise funds for the hundreds of animals in our care.”

“With over 140 hedgehogs, 3 seal pups, dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, fish, reptiles and many birds we help over 3000 animals through the doors every year.”

“With so many animals in our care we would love you to join our sponsor scheme to help us each month.”

“Just a couple of pounds each month can make a massive difference in helping the animals in our care and to find out more please go to .”

“To make a donation you can go to .”  

“We couldn’t do so much without your support and here a few ideas of how you can help us help animals in Guernsey.”


Donate by calling  01481 257261, by post to GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8UD or online

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Legacies & Bequests

By leaving a gift to the GSPCA in your Will really helps us to improve the lives of animals into the future.  After providing for those you care for, please consider leaving a proportion of what remains to the GSPCA it is so appreciated and makes a real lasting legacy.

A gift like this to the GSPCA ensures our animals and those in Guernsey will always have someone to keep them safe. To find out more please 

Gift Aid on Donations over £500

To find out about the States of Guernsey tax relief information on gift aid up to 2020 on donations totalling between £500 and £5000 please see the details by going to

2021 gift aid is from £500 and up to £7500 and here are the details -

To download the form to claim for 2020 or before please follow this link

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In line with States of Guernsey advice please DO NOT visit the GSPCA if have been outside of the Bailiwick of Guernsey in line with their advice or have any symptoms of Coronavirus and we continue visits to the Shelter for only essential reasons and to please call us on 01481 257261 or email before your trip to see if we can help without you coming to the Shelter. For the latest information and advice please visit

With huge challenges on our resources and a drop in income from boarding and donations please help us help animals in Guernsey with our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal by donating online via -





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