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Every year the GSPCA receives complaints and concerns from potential scams of animals sold online to possible animals coming from puppy farms to inappropriate breeders.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “At the GSPCA we are extremely concerned about reports of people falsely advertising animals online to try and deceive people looking for a new pet out of their money.”
“Every year we have reports of pictures of puppies advertised on facebook which either may not exist or could be from puppy farms or backgrounds that are not ideal for the animals welfare.”
“Around 400-500 households in Guernsey look for a new dog and about the same look for a new cat every year.”
“Especially during the Covid years and travel so difficult many people went online to look for their new 4 legged friends and this certainly seemed to increase the number of scammers out there trying to deceive good people out of money with false adverts online.”
“Living in the islanders of course presents many challenges in looking for that beloved pet but we all need to ensure we do what we can to ensure we aren’t deceived and we source our animals from rescues or other reputable breeders and individuals.”
“An excellent place for advice for looking for pets other than here at the GSPCA is the Pet Advertising Advisory Group who work to improve the ways pets are advertised to prevent scammers.”
“To find out more about PAAG visit their website by going to .”
Here is an extract from the PAAG website with advice if you are concerned
‘Report advert to website
It is essential to report the advert to the website it is listed on. Many of the UK’s largest classified websites are already following PAAG’s Advertising Standards so will be happy to remove the advert should it happen to have slipped through their security checks.
Report advert to Trading Standards
For action to be taken you must report the advert to the Trading Standards department of the Local Authority where the seller is situated, who will be able to investigate. You can find the details of the one you need here:
Remember if you have reported the advert to the website already it is important to take down the relevant details such as the advert number, seller’s name and contact number, or better yet take screenshots in case it is removed before trading standards get to it.
Report serious animal welfare concerns
If the advert is a serious animal welfare concern please follow the below advice:
Contact PAAG
If you are uncertain about something you have seen but are concerned or unsure where to report it please contact the team at PAAG who will be able to offer advice: [email protected]
Report to Action Fraud
If you think you have been the victim of an unscrupulous seller, report it to Action Fraud.
Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The service is run by the City of London Police working alongside the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau who are responsible for assessment of the reports and to ensure that your fraud reports reach the right place.
To report to Action Fraud visit their website:
Report to HMRC
If you suspect a breeder is not paying tax to HMRC, you can report them using this form:
File your submission under "Fraud Related to Income Tax Self Assessment" then follow the steps, making sure to provide as much information as possible.
You can report to HMRC anonymously. ‘
In the Channel Islands the GSPCA and JSPCA as well as relevant State Vets departments are in place locally as well as our other relevant States Departments –
States of Guernsey Vet Department -
States of Jersey Health and Welfare team -
Steve continued “In Guernsey there are 1000’s of users that follow pages on facebook selling all sorts of goods and sometimes animals, there are also false charities that create pages to try and sell animals that don’t exist so it is extremely important to verify who you are dealing with before you part with any money.”
“Often the best way to find an animal is to be referred by a friend, vet or a great place to look for rescues for dogs and cats is the ADCH website .”
“The Kennel Club also have some great advice if you are looking for a puppy .”
“We have seen first hand when we helped the 25 Slovakian puppies that were being illegally transported to the UK to a dealer, how people can be deceived into buying pups from puppy farms.”
“At the GSPCA we have a 10 point step guide to help those looking for a puppy which you could also apply to looking for other species of pets, but please do remember that we have many animals looking for homes at the GSPCA and adopting a rescue pet is helping an animal in need.”
“To see some of the animals in need of a home at the GSPCA please visit our website .”
Seb Goman Welfare and Senior Animal Care Assistant said “If anyone has any concerns about animal cruelty, neglect or false advertising please do report it to us by calling 01481 257261, by post or email us [email protected] .”
“If you're thinking of getting a puppy, it's important to do your homework first.”
“Please do read our 10-step guide.”
1. Carry out your research first. Different dogs have different needs and temperaments depending on, for example, their age, breed, health status, gender, and past experiences. A vet will also be able to give you information and advice on this.
2. Take into account the average lifespan of the dog you would like to own and the estimated costs of lifetime care (both financially and in terms of your own time) before buying. Consider asking a pet insurance company how much it will cost to insure the type of dog you are considering taking on.
3. Make sure that the dog you choose is suitable for you, your home and your lifestyle. A vet will also be able to give you information and advice on the health problems that certain breeds are prone to; you can also get advice from the organisations associated with this document.
4. Bear in mind your responsibilities under the Control of Dogs Ordinance 1992, which states that pet owners MUST have a license and all dogs over six months of age must have an identity tag on their collar. It also states that you may be liable for prosecution if you do not clear up after your dog when it has fouled in a public place.
5. For pedigree puppies, ensure that any recognised registration papers and the parents’ hereditary disease screening certificates, where appropriate, are in order and available at the time you buy the puppy. Find out more about getting a pedigree dog from The Kennel Club
6. Avoid buying animals with exaggerated physical features that are likely to affect their quality of life, and don’t base your decision on appearance alone. You should prioritise health, welfare and temperament over appearance when choosing a dog.
7. It is always best to see your puppy with its real mother in the environment where it was raised, and ask to see its brothers and sisters, if they are still there. Make sure that you know who the father is and that you get an opportunity to contact its owner. Ensure that the parent(s) and the puppies are happy and healthy and that the environment is suitable to meet all the puppy’s welfare needs.
8. Ask to see the puppy’s health records and ensure that these are available by the time you buy the puppy (this includes any records of vaccination, worming and flea treatment as well as other veterinary treatment). Also check that the puppy’s parents have taken appropriate health screening tests relevant to the breed and ask if the puppy or its parents have received any veterinary attention relating to an inherited problem. These should be available for you, or your vet, to take a look at.
9. Make sure your puppy stays with its mother until a suitable age. This may vary, but normally would be until at least 8 weeks of age.
10. It is important to ensure that your puppy is well socialised and has had appropriate good experiences. Ideally, your puppy should also have had good experiences with people, some other types of animals and in the places and situations it is likely to encounter as an adult, including a normal home environment. But be aware that not all socialisation with other puppies is positive. Try not to put your puppy in situations where it can become afraid.
Seb continues “This guidance was put together in association with other animal welfare groups, Defra and the British Veterinary Association to help prospective owners choose the right puppy for them.”
“When you do find a puppy we do advise looking into relevant training and there are a number of options on island and if looking for boarding for your pet please do contact us here at the GSPCA.”
Steve continued “From adopting a pet to reporting concerns of welfare or scams there are many ways you can help us and animals.”
“To make a donation, find out more or support our BIGGEST BUILD Appeal please check out .”
“There are many ways to support the work of the GSPCA.”
“Our BIGGEST event is our Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday on the 18th May and for details check out .“
“We have lots of events coming up from being at the shows and to the GSPCA Cupcake Week in May .”
“To become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor donating each month to help the hundreds of animals in our care which you can do by downloading this form - or to become a Corporate Angel Pen Pal form for your business to sponsor animals in our care each year please click here .”
“You can also make a donation to help the animals in our care, please go to .”
“You can also donate by calling 01481 257261, by post to GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8UD or popping up to the Shelter in St Andrews.”
"For lots of ways to support our work please visit ."
“To visit our facebook page check out this link please click here .”
“To visit our x page please click here .”
“Thank you for your support.”
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