Submitted by Steve on 08:58, 19th Jan, 2018 | 0

Highly pathogenic H5N6 bird flu has been detected in wild birds in Warwickshire.  

This is the second confirmed finding of the virus in the UK this winter, following the finding in Dorset earlier this month (January 2018). Tests have shown both cases are closely related to the H6N6 strain circulating in wild birds across Europe in recent months.

This is different to the H5N6 strain which affected people in China last year and Public Health England have advised the risk to public health is very low. The Food Standards Agency have also offered reassurance that bird flu does not pose a food safety risk for UK consumers.

 The GSPCA are currently revising procedures at the Shelter to ensure the team and birds in our care are as safe as possible.

The Guernsey States Veterinary Officer recently sent out advice for bird keepers locally and to see this please click here

The most recent online update from can be seen by going to  

A National Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) has been declared for the whole of England.

This means it is mandatory for all captive bird keepers in England to put enhanced biosecurity measures in place.  Further information can be found on GOV.UK.  This Zone will be in place until further notice and will be kept under regular review as part of our work to monitor the threat of bird flu.

It is vital that anyone who keeps birds, whether a few in a back garden or thousands on a commercial unit is vigilant.  All poultry keepers should:

  • minimise movement in and out of bird enclosures
  • clean footwear before and after visiting birds, using a Government approved disinfectant at entrances and exits
  • clean and disinfect vehicles and equipment that have come into contact with poultry
  • keep areas where birds live clean and tidy, and regularly disinfect hard surfaces such as paths and walkways
  • humanely control rats and mice
  • place birds’ food and water in fully enclosed areas protected from wild birds, and remove any spilled feed regularly
  • keep birds separate from wildlife and wild waterfowl by putting suitable fencing around outdoor areas they access
  • keep a close watch on birds for any signs of disease and report any very sick birds or unexplained deaths to your vet.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “Sadly it seems each year at this time outbreaks of avian flu are detected and at the GSPCA we are ensuring we are heightening bio-security and our precautions due to the large numbers of birds we help and care for.”

“It is important that we all take extra precautions in the Channel Islands to ensure our pet and farm birds are as safe as possible from bird flu.”

“We will of course update our website with any further alerts and the links we have online take your to the latest information available.”

Poultry keepers and members of the public with concerns should contact the States Veterinary Officer by calling 01481 257261 email or visit  

Further avian influenza advice, including how to spot the disease, is available:-

In England at

In Scotland at  

In Wales at

In Guernsey at

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