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The GSPCA would like to announce to staff and volunteers that next week we have a number of speakers visiting from the UK to talk on a variety of subjects.
Monday 24th September 2.30pm
Tuesday 25th September 9.15am
We are changing our disinfectant and having new dispensers installed. This training will explain how to use this equipment, the mixing dilutions and handling
With Faye Sewell Medichem International
Tuesday 25th September 11.30am
Tuesday 25th September 2pm
A talk on feeding dogs and cats, their life stages and the importance of the ingredients of the food as well as the Iams product range and the background of the company
With Kellie Ceccareli VN Iams
Thursday 27th September
In the afternoon TBC
Friday 28th September
In the morning TBC
A talk on the DAP and Feliway products, their use and when to use them. Also a talk on the other products through Ceva.
With Karen Green Ceva
Anyone interested please contact see GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne on 01481 257261 or email [email protected]
To find out more about our Cattery & Quarantine Build Appeal please
This Saturday the 22nd September 7pm at the Shelter we are inviting volunteers and helpers from this and our many other events to come along to celebrate all the hard work in a get together. If any volunteers would like to come along please let Steve know on 257261 or email [email protected]
Thank you again for all of your support.
Are you aware that nominations for this year’s Community Awards are now OPEN!
The categories for the awards are:
Charity of the Year
Organising Committee of the Year
Fundraising Team
Overseas Award
Corporate Social Responsibility
Outstanding Individual Achievement
The Community Awards have asked us to spread the word, and if you know of any great charities or events that are worthy of nominating them. Nomination forms and awards criteria are now available to download from the Community Awards website –
There will be more information about the awards in the press very soon. Their Facebook page is also gathering a nice number of followers and is being used to keep people up to date regularly with preparations for the event so check it out by
The closing date for nominations is Wednesday 26 September.
To download a Membership form or if you wish to donate regularly
To make a donation please click here
To sponsor an animal pen, kennel or unit please download the form by -
To help donate to our Cattery & Quarantine Appeal please download a form by -
Links to vets in Guernsey
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