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After 10 years of service, a wonderful vehicle that was sponsored by Carey Olsen has had to retire and we are appealing for funds or a donation of a GSPCA Animal Welfare Electric Ambulance Van and Charging Point.
The GSPCA are called out to and investigate over 2000 calls or incidents of concerns of animal welfare every year 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The GSPCA is striving to be as green as possible and we do our best for the environment and we would love to replace the retiring vehicle with a much more eco electric model and we are appealing for support.
The GSPCA team all have many roles and functions and when the Welfare Vehicle isn’t investigating cruelty and neglect complaints the Animal Welfare Manager Lorna Chadwick is often out doing home visits for animals looking for homes, helping with rescues, going out to do educational talks, liaising with the authorities, attending agricultural shows and so much more helping thousands of animals in many ways every year.
To donate to our appeal please go to
Or if you or your business can support us in obtaining a vehicle please email or call 257261
Lorna Chadwick Animal Welfare Manager said “Our welfare work is 24/7 and we never know where and when we could be called out to check on animals or causes of concern.”
“Just in the last few weeks we’ve been to see poorly rabbits, thin chickens, pigs that were fine, dogs locked in cars in the sunlight, to mention just a few.”
“In recent years we have seen cases or cruelty and neglect go to court involving reptiles, farm animals, puppies being illegally transported and been part in investigations and the care of, and rehabilitation of animals from homes where there have been real cause for concern.”
“The GSPCA Animal Welfare Vehicle is out all days of the week and we would love any support towards this essential transport to help animals that are suffering or in many cases animals who have owners that just need a little education and advice.”
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “The GSPCA was founded 148 years ago to prevent cruelty and promote kindness and this is a key part of our role helping the animals of Guernsey to this day.”
“In 1915 we had an Inspector investigating cruelty and in those days they used ‘pedal cycle’ as transportation which you can see some of us do even today if things are close by, but we really need transport to move animals and ensure we can respond as quickly and ideally as eco friendly as we can.”
“For many years we have used petrol or diesel vehicles and we are trying to now convert to electric for our environmental footprint as a caring organisation who tries are very best to help the world around us.”
“The GSPCA Animal Welfare Ambulance on a busy day can do up to 100 miles going from cruelty complaints to school talks.”
“With over 2000 calls a year to investigate we are out daily ensuring the animals of Guernsey are looked after.”
“The type of vehicle which would be ideal is an electric Nissan NV200 and we have launched an appeal of £16,500 as we have seen reasonable vehicles and with a charging point we hope that this would enable us to purchase a vehicle a of 4-5 years of age although if someone would sponsor this or a new electric vehicle then we would love to hear from them on 257261 or email me .”
Here is the information all about our Animal Welfare Department
The GSPCA Welfare Department is made up of the Animal Welfare Manager and GSPCA team members. The Department is ultimately responsible for animal welfare issues on and off site, canine behaviour and training, and the rehoming of the Shelter dogs.
The GSPCA’s main aim is to prevent cruelty to animals and help those at risk of cruelty and neglect.
Animals are protected from cruelty and mistreatment by the Animal Welfare (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2012.
This legislation protects animals from acts of violence and neglect and places a duty on owners to care for any animal that they keep on the basis of the five freedoms which are -
Every day we receive calls from members of the public who are concerned for the welfare of an animal. These calls are our priority and as such welfare staff will drop everything to respond to such a call. More often than not we are able to resolve any problems that we find and can put the caller’s mind at rest but there are occasions when further action is required.
We rely on the general public to provide us with important information regarding animal welfare within the Community, especially in situations where an animal may be at risk, and as such we must act professionally and with discretion. Any call to the Shelter involving a concern about an animal is dealt with in the strictest of confidence and at no time are the details of a complaint or complainant discussed with third parties.
What happens when we receive a complaint?
If a member of our team has been to your property and you are not home they will always leave a card to inform you of our visit and who to contact. If you do not find a card then it was not a member of the GSPCA’s welfare team that visited your property.
Please note:
We will always show identification
We will always leave a calling card to inform you of our visit and who to contact.
We do not behave in a threatening manner when investigating cases of cruelty.
We do not make visits at unsociable hours unless we have been asked to attend by the Police or another Agency.
Welfare staff work with all of the Shelter departments monitoring and managing the behaviour of animals in our care; providing environmental enrichment and reducing stress. It is vitally important that we continually observe the behaviour of the Shelter animals whether boarding or looking for a home, as a change is behaviour is often the first indication that they are not well or need a little more 1-2-1 attention.
The Welfare Manager is also responsible for the behaviour and training of dogs on and off site, including dog training classes which are held 3-4 times a week. As an animal welfare charity it is important that we do not at any time compromise an animal’s mental or physical welfare. As such all of the training that we undertake uses positive reinforcement methods only.
“If there is a kinder alternative why do it any other way”
Please note:
The GSPCA does not offer ‘residential training’ to Boarding animals as we believe that the most important aspect of any training or behaviour modification programme is the owner – dog bond.
Click here to go to our Training page
We regularly receive dogs in that are looking for new homes and the department is responsible for all aspects of rehoming the GSPCA dogs which includes:
Click here to go to our Dog Adoption page
As well as the responsibilities outlined above the department also carries out many other vital roles with in, and on behalf of, the Society.
If you would like further information about any of the work we do please contact the Shelter on 257261 and speak to Lorna Chadwick.
Donate by calling 01481 257261, by post to GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8UD or online
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Check out our wish list page from the smallest of items to our biggest of projects there are many ways to support us -
To visit our Amazon Wish list to see some of the items we need to help the wildlife please visit -
Legacies & Bequests
By leaving a gift to the GSPCA in your Will really helps us to improve the lives of animals into the future. After providing for those you care for, please consider leaving a proportion of what remains to the GSPCA it is so appreciated and makes a real lasting legacy.
A gift like this to the GSPCA ensures our animals and those in Guernsey will always have someone to keep them safe. To find out more please
Gift Aid on Donations over £500
To find out about the States of Guernsey tax relief information on gift aid up to 2020 on donations totalling between £500 and £5000 please see the details by going to
2021 gift aid is from £500 and up to £7500 and here are the details -
To download the form to claim for 2020 or before please follow this link
Become a sponsor and GSPCA member
Why become an Angel Pen Pal Sponsor and support our work each month please visit -
To become a Corporate Angel Pen Pal form for your business to sponsor animals in our care each year please click here
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In line with States of Guernsey advice please DO NOT visit the GSPCA if have been outside of the Bailiwick of Guernsey in line with their advice or have any symptoms of Coronavirus and we continue visits to the Shelter for only essential reasons and to please call us on 01481 257261 or email before your trip to see if we can help without you coming to the Shelter. For the latest information and advice please visit
With huge challenges on our resources and a drop in income from boarding and donations please help us help animals in Guernsey with our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal by donating online via -
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