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A post to work on the front desk has arisen after one of our staff moved back to the UK after 11 long years of service.
Helen Whitcher was very sad to leave the GSPCA and the team were sad to see her go but this has now opened an exciting opportunity for a person that enjoys working with people and helping save animals lives and preventing suffering by liaising with the GSPCA team and other individuals.
The post involves all duties that are front of house from answering calls to accepting animals and completing their paperwork when they go to a new home. Administration, IT and managing a small retail area are all skills required as part of this post.
To apply please call into the Shelter for an application pack or you can download one by -
The closing date for the post is Wednesday 29th February 2012. Please see the packs for further details.
Any questions please call 01481 257261 or email [email protected]
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