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After the recent news of a car apparently intentionally running over some ducklings this week we would like to remind everyone of the GSPCA cruelty complaint procedure.
With Spring comes many more animals out and about from hedgehogs coming out of hibernation to pet cats enjoying the warmth of the sunshine, ducks with their ducklings to dog walkers making the most of the nice weather.
All drivers need to take care especially around the lanes where you cannot necessarily see around the corner where any of these or even farm animals or someone enjoying a ride on their horse could be.
Lorna Prince Welfare Manager said 'If anyone has information of cruelty or neglect to any animal we would ask them to contact the GSPCA on 01481 257261.'
'We receive and have reported hundreds of animals affected by road traffic incidents every year and to think that there are drivers out there who are causing this intentionally is a real concern to the GSPCA.'
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said 'The GSPCA is an organisation which has the main aim to prevent cruelty and promote kindness for all animals in Guernsey and we are extremely concerned with the news that someone would try and run any animal over in a vehicle.'
'We have many rescue ducklings at the Shelter for many reasons most of which are the fact that they are found orphaned.'
'We are here to help animals and if anyone has any concerns at all regarding cruelty you can call the Shelter in confidence or even pop up to chat to the staff.'
Below is more information on the complaint procedure -
The GSPCA’s main aim is to prevent cruelty to animals and help those at risk of cruelty and neglect. Every day we receive calls from members of the public who are concerned for the welfare of an animal. These calls are our priority and as such welfare staff will drop everything to respond to such a call. More often than not we are able to resolve any problems that we find and can put the caller’s mind at rest but there are occasions when further action is required.
We rely on the general public to provide us with important information regarding animal welfare within the Community, especially in situations where an animal may be at risk, and as such we must act professionally and with discretion. Any call to the Shelter involving a concern about an animal is dealt with in the strictest of confidence and at no time are the details of a complaint or complainant discussed with third parties.
What happens when we receive a complaint?
If a member of our team has been to your property and you are not home they will always leave a card to inform you of our visit and who to contact. If you do not find a card then it was not a member of the GSPCA’s welfare team that visited your property.
Please note:
We will always show identification
We will always leave a calling card to inform you of our visit and who to contact.
We do not behave in a threatening manner when investigating cases of cruelty.
We do not make visits at unsociable hours unless we have been asked to attend by the Police or another Agency.
To see the story of Jethou Bumblebee the grey seal pup please check out this short video from start to finish on how staff rescued him with a lot of help.
To see the story of Hanois and his rescue please go to
There are many items on the GSPCA's Wish List and you can see many of them by clicking here including a list of Amazon items which would make a difference to animals in Guernsey.
To download our latest newsletter or become a member of the GSPCA please
Every Tuesday during term time between 10.30am and 12pm at the GSPCA we have a coffee morning with bric-a-brac and pet supplies on sale. Please click here for more details
Clinton's Kilimanjaro Climb in March - One man VS 5,895 m - to find out more please click here for more details
Sunday 2nd June 2013 - Summer Fayre and Dog Show - please click here for more details
Saturday 8th June 2013 Itex Walk Guernsey - We are pleased that for 2013 we are one of the nominated charities benefiting from this years walk. To register and find out more click here for more details and sponsor those taking part.
Sunday 15th September 2013 - Animal Welfare Seafront Sunday - click here for more details.
4th October - World Animal Day - more details to follow
Fancy doing a sponsored event for the GSPCA? To download a GSPCA Sponsor form please
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