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Last Saturday the GSPCA helped celebrate two young ladies birthdays at the GSPCA.
GSPCA Animal Care Assistant Cathryn Tyrell welcomed both groups the first at 11am and the second after lunch.
Both groups had a fantastic turnout with Amelia having the first tour and room hire with her friends followed by Ella and her friends around who all had a great day visiting the many animals and getting many special treats from stroking the animals to gifts.
On the weekend the GSPCA helped celebrate two young ladies birthdays at the GSPCA.
On Saturday GSPCA Animal Care Assistant Beckie Smith showed Macie-Jayne around with her friends and introduced them to a wide range of the animals at the Shelter.
On Sunday GSPCA Animal Care Assistant Cathryn Tyrell showed Lois and her friends around who also had a great day visiting the many animals and getting many special treats from stroking the animals to gifts.
On Saturday GSPCA Animal Care Assistant Cathryn Tyrell gave a lovely birthday guided tour to Emily Bateman who was celebrating her 11th birthday with her friends at the GSPCA.
The group started the tour with Cathryn showing Emily and her friends around the Shelter where Emily as the birthday girl got special treatment and met a number of the animals in our care.
The tour took the group around the site and behind the scenes finishing with a few surprise gifts and certificates for the group and a party in our events room which can be hired out as an extra.
On Saturday the GSPCA hosted two special tours for one lucky young man and one lucky young lady.
GSPCA staff Cathryn Tyrell and Teresa Mourant gave a special tour to a young man called Noah with his friends and then later on to Kellie and her friends.
Both groups had a wonderful behind the scenes tour of the GSPCA and the lucky birthday boy and girl got to get up and close with a few of the animals in our care.
After their tours each enjoyed a party on site at the GSPCA and all received a pack of goodies and a thank you certificate for visiting.
Last week staff GSPCA staff Beckie Smith and Teresa Mourant gave a lovely birthday guided tour to Gemma Bailey who was celebrating her 8th birthday with her friends at the GSPCA.
The group started the tour with Teresa introducing Gemma and her friends to Betty the bull terrier who nearly died last year as she wasn't fed enough and fell into a coma.
The tour took the group around the site and behind the scenes finishing with a few surprise gifts and certificates for the group.
At the GSPCA we have seen a fantastic response to our recent Birthday and Special occasion guided tours and have already got many booked in over the coming weeks.
Last weekend we held another two special tours to celebrate three birthdays and everyone had a great time seeing and even handling some of the animals.
From young to old we now offer a unique experience for a loved one, family member or friend to see behind the scenes at the GSPCA.
On Saturday Maddie Noyon and a group of her friends came along to the GSPCA for a Birthday guided tour.
Maddie who has just turned 7 years of age got a very special behind the scenes tour with her friends at the Shelter in St Andrews.
On requests we will arrange a special tour for a minimum donation and on Saturday Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager took the group around the site.
From seeing our resident tortoise to stroking Monkey a diabetic cat the girls all had a lovely evening.