Cat First Aid course tonight at the GSPCA - Dog First Aid 18th May

Submitted by Steve on 08:12, 10th May, 2017 | 0

Every year we hear of pet owners being faced with circumstances of their pets being injured or caused harm often through no fault but an accident.

To help pet owners each year we hold a series of training courses and we have set dates for first aid courses for those interested in helping dogs and cats.

The dates set for 2017 are: 

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Wednesday 10th May 2017 - Ref - Cat 10/05

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Thursday 18th May 2017 - Ref - Dog 18/05

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Wednesday 22nd November 2017 - Ref - Dog 22/11


Dog and Cat Emergency First Aid Training Courses set for 2017

Submitted by Steve on 11:37, 19th Jan, 2017 | 0

Every year we hear of pet owners being faced with circumstances of their pets being injured or caused harm often through no fault but an accident.

To help pet owners each year we hold a series of training courses and we have set dates for first aid courses for those interested in helping dogs and cats.

The dates set for 2017 are: 

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Wednesday 10th May 2017 - Ref - Cat 10/05

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Thursday 18th May 2017 - Ref - Dog 18/05

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Wednesday 22nd November 2017 - Ref - Dog 22/11


9 New Dog First Aiders - Cat First Aid Course Tuesday 29th November places still available

Submitted by Steve on 22:03, 25th Nov, 2016 | 0

On Tuesday we welcomed 9 attendees to our GSPCA dog first aid course at the Animal Shelter in St Andrews.

Despite a cold, windy and wet evening the group spent the evening in the training room at the GSPCA with Manager Steve Byrne.

The attendees learnt a wide variety of ways to help dogs from those suffering with heat exhaustion to those choking.

Betty an English Bull Terrier who is looking for a home made an appearance and the group learnt how to find a heart beat.


Spaces going fast for the Dog and Cat First Aid Courses at the GSPCA this November 22nd for Dog and 29th for the Cat Course

Submitted by Steve on 23:14, 9th Nov, 2016 | 0

Due to popular demand at the GSPCA we are holding additional dog and cat first aid courses.

The dates for the first aid courses are:

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 22nd November 2016 - Ref - Dog 22/11

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 29th November 2016 - Ref - Cat 29/11

Dates for 2017 to be confirmed

All courses are a minimum £15 donation and you must book your place by 12pm on the day of the training session.


Dog and Cat First Aid Courses at the GSPCA this November 22nd for Dog and 29th for the Cat Course

Submitted by Steve on 20:35, 19th Oct, 2016 | 0

Due to popular demand at the GSPCA we are holding additional dog and cat first aid courses.

The dates for the first aid courses are:

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 22nd November 2016 - Ref - Dog 22/11

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 29th November 2016 - Ref - Cat 29/11

Dates for 2017 to be confirmed

All courses are a minimum £15 donation and you must book your place by 12pm on the day of the training session.


9 New Dog First Aiders in Guernsey

Submitted by Steve on 10:03, 18th May, 2016 | 0

Over the last two Tuesday evenings we have run our cat and dog first aid courses.

Each course started just after 6.30pm and involved learning about how to save a cat or a dogs life and hints and tips on what to do.

Last night we held the Dog First Aid Course which was run by GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne and saw 9 dog lovers learning how to help four legged friends in a number of life saving circumstances.

Molly a beagle owned by the GSPCA Manager popped in half way through for those attending to help look for a heart beat in a dog.


Learn how to save your dog or cat this May - First Aid Courses at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 13:03, 27th Apr, 2016 | 0

Every 6 months we hold cat and dog first aid sessions which prove extremely popular and help owners understand the basics of first aid to help their pets if they get into bother.

The next sessions are coming soon and here they are -

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 10th May 2016 - Ref - Cat 10/05

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 17th May 2016 - Ref - Dog 17/05

Dog First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 22nd November 2016 - Ref - Dog 22/11

Cat First Aid 6.30pm - 8.45pm Tuesday 29th November 2016 - Ref - Cat 29/11


New dog and cat first aiders in Guernsey with the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 13:04, 16th Nov, 2015 | 0

Over the last two Sundays we have run our cat and dog first aid courses.

Each course started just after 9.30am and involved learning about how to save a cat or a dogs life and hints and tips on what to do.

On Sunday the 9th after the cat course theory GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne took the participants over to the new multi purpose animal welfare building for a look around and some hands on with Gucci a lovely grey cat.

Yesterday during the training 'Eric' one of the Slovakian puppies made an appearance as a model and for some hands on in finding a heart beat.


Learn how to save your dog or cat - First Aid Courses at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 12:15, 3rd Oct, 2015 | 0

Every 6 months we hold cat and dog first aid sessions which prove extremely popular and help owners understand the basics of first aid to help their pets if they get into bother.

The next sessions are coming soon and here they are -

Cat First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 8th November 2015 - Ref - Cat 8/11

Dog First Aid 9.30am - 11.45am Sunday 15th November 2015 - Ref - Dog 15/11

All courses are a minimum £15 donation and you must book your place by the Saturday before the training session.


Saving cats lives in Guernsey - Dog First Aid Course next Sunday 15th March

Submitted by Steve on 15:54, 9th Mar, 2015 | 0

Once again the GSPCA held a Cat First Aid Course to help feline owners in Guernsey.

With 300 cats killed on the roads and the Animal Shelter helping over a 1000 cats a year at the GSPCA we are always striving to help pet owners.

Yesterday was the first cat first aid course of 2015, but there is a dog first aid course this Sunday and dates set for further courses later this year.

7 keen individuals arrived for 9.30am and after nearly two hours of learning about cat first aid they got a chance to meet some of the cats in the cattery and see behind the scenes.
