Felix really needs your help after more than a year in search of that forever home at the GSPCA

Submitted by GSPCA on 18:07, 13th Nov, 2012 | 0

Felix arrived at the GSPCA Animal Shelter in October in 2011 and has been at the Shelter for well over a year which makes her the longest stay cat in need of a new home. Many of you will know of Victor a cat who also came in around the same time and we are pleased to say he is off to a new home very soon.

Unfortunately Felix came in as a 3 year old semi-feral and as such was extremely nervous and timid after her bad start in life.


Fireworks Frighten Animals

Submitted by GSPCA on 20:07, 1st Nov, 2012 | 0

Help us to continue to keep them safe!

Thankfully the incidents of animals being injured by fireworks & bonfires in Guernsey are few and far between; but we mustn’t get too complacent. Below are some basic guidelines that will enable you to help all of our furry and feathered friends to stay calm and safe on and around Bonfire night.


Appeal for Autumn Cats looking for Autumn homes for Autumn reasons - and have you lost your cat?

Submitted by GSPCA on 16:28, 25th Oct, 2012 | 0

The GSPCA this Autumn is appealing for homes for some of our Autumn cats.

You may wonder what is an Autumn cat?  Well these are our golden oldies, those cats that are needing a quiet retirement home.


GSPCA Applies for Planning Permission and we need your support

Submitted by GSPCA on 11:45, 24th Oct, 2012 | 0

The GSPCA has been helping animals in Guernsey for over 139 years and in that time has helped thousands every year.

The housing for the cats is nearly 40 years old and with the demands on the Shelter every day the cattery is full to bursting in aged accommodation.


Roger a lovely old stray sick cat needs your help

Submitted by GSPCA on 16:17, 10th Oct, 2012 | 0

The GSPCA is asking for your help for this very friendly poorly cat.

Roger came into the Shelter as a very elderly sick stray earlier this month.  When he arrived he had multiple health problems and needed to be rushed to the vets where he was placed on a drip and under intensive care for some time.

The vets are now recommending he has a number of tests and an operation before the Animal Shelter can find him a good home.


Appeal for the GSPCA Longest Stay Cats Felix and Victor who are in need of a home

Submitted by GSPCA on 14:56, 25th Sep, 2012 | 0

We need your help.

The GSPCA currently has two cats that next month will have been at the Shelter in search of a new home for over a year.

Felix and Victor are two strays that arrived at the Shelter last October as semi-ferals.  Although their behaviour has much improved with the TLC staff and volunteers have given them we are still in search of a very special home for these very independent cats.

The Shelter currently has over 25 cats looking for homes at the Shelter and many more strays and others being treated before they can go up for adoption.


Scarlet the cat really needs your help

Submitted by GSPCA on 15:30, 24th Jul, 2012 | 0

Today Scarlet the black long haired female cat has been with the Shelter for one day over 12 months and we need your help.

We really want to find her a new home and if you can't help maybe you could spread the word by chatting to friends, using social networks like twitter or facebook or even ask your work place to pop a poster up or pop her in your work newsletter.

This makes Scarlet the longest stay cat at the Shelter, please help her.....

Here is a little about Scarlet -


Purrrrrrrfect presents from a very kind hearted lady

Submitted by GSPCA on 14:43, 16th Jul, 2012 | 0

Recently we put out an appeal for volunteers to knit mice for the many cats we have at the Shelter as strays, looking for homes and also in for welfare reasons.Knitted cat mice thank you

We had a fantastic response and within days handed out dozens of patterns and since received hundreds of mice that have been hand made and now entertain the cats and kittens we have at the Shelter.


First kittens born at the Shelter in 2012 off to live in Alderney

Submitted by GSPCA on 21:16, 4th Jul, 2012 | 0

Last month two of our kittens were rehomed to Alderney.

Jack and Jill were the first kittens to be born at the Shelter this year.  They were born on the 12th February from a stray cat called Darwina who has had a number of health problems, but fortunately has raised two gorgeous kittens.

When Jack and Jill became available for adoption we placed them on our website and social networks.  A lovely lady by the name of Patti Brett spotted them on our facebook page and got in touch. 


Please Use Safety Collars On Your Cats

Submitted by GSPCA on 12:55, 18th Jun, 2012 | 0

Widget is one of many cats that we have had come into the Animal Shelter with a horrific collar injury.GSPCA cat collar injury

Every week the GSPCA receive stray cats with collars without safety buckles.  The elasticated and non safety collars put cats lives at risk as they can get caught and in the worse cases can be fatal.
