Gizmo needs your help - GSPCA Animal Shelter longest stay cat is in need of her forever home

Submitted by GSPCA on 16:05, 12th Jan, 2012 | 0

The GSPCA have cats in to the Shelter nearly every day of the year.  They come in as ferals, strays, unwanted, rescues, new born kittens, road traffic accidents as well as many other reasons.

Many of the cats that are for rehoming often only stay with us for a matter of weeks before they find a new loving owner.

Gizmo came in on the 26th January 2011 and the GSPCA are hoping to find her a home before she becomes the only animal in the Shelter that has been here for what will be over a year.


It's Cat Herders Day Today

Submitted by GSPCA on 11:04, 15th Dec, 2011 | 0

If you can say that your job, or even your life, is like trying to herd cats, then this day is for you!

Cat Herders Day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays to honor all of the people in the world whose lives can be compared to the impossible task of herding cats. This time of year it is easy to feel as if we’re chasing after a bunch of independent-minded felines.


Cat caught in illegal snare

Submitted by GSPCA on 12:56, 22nd Nov, 2011 | 0

Cat caught in illegal snare - GSPCA GuernseyA very traumatised owner had to remove a snare from her pet cat this week.


GSPCA condemns puppy farms and buying animals off of the internet

Submitted by GSPCA on 19:11, 17th Nov, 2011 | 0

The GSPCA has had recent reports of not only individuals that may have received puppies from puppy farms in the UK but also individuals that have been deceived online from websites advertising puppies for sale.

The GSPCA always encourages responsible pet ownership and by purchasing animals on line or from a puppy farm is far from helping animal welfare.


Gert tells all it's World Kindness Day this Sunday

Submitted by GSPCA on 18:09, 11th Nov, 2011 | 0

Quack Quack,

Well I wanted to let everyone know that World Kindness Day is this Sunday 13th November. It was introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement and is observed in many countries, including Canada, Japan, Australia, Nigeria and United Arab Emirates.


Update on Mr T

Submitted by GSPCA on 19:15, 7th Nov, 2011 | 1

We would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all the wonderful kind people of Guernsey and even in the UK that have donated and seen the plight and need of Mr T, the cat who is in need of a cancer operation to remove part of his ears and nose.

We would like to inform everyone that after a stroke of luck we have found the owners of Mr T.  They were re-united after much heart ache and were very happy to see one another.  They are taking him to their vets to have him health checked and to continue any treatment needed.


Cancer Cat Mr T needs your help -

Submitted by GSPCA on 19:16, 3rd Nov, 2011 | 3


Mr T who has many pet names such as Top Hat and Mr Thomas is a cat that without an operation would most certainly have a much, much shorter life.  Mr T has cancer and needs to have the tips of his ears and part of his nose removed.



Pumpkin and his mum Beauty are two of the many black cats with no homes this Halloween

Submitted by GSPCA on 10:18, 26th Oct, 2011 | 2

This Halloween there are black cats in many homes in Guernsey but the GSPCA have more black cats than any other at the animal shelter.


The staff at the GSPCA care for many black cats every year and have noticed that they often get passed by.  Pumpkin pictured with his black and white brother Pie were born at the shelter and have been looking for homes for over 3 months now.  Beauty their mum who is also a black cat also really needs a loving new home.



World Animal Day - 4th October 2011

Submitted by GSPCA on 11:49, 3rd Oct, 2011 | 0

World Animal Day is celebrated each year on October 4. It started in Florence, Italy in 1931 at a convention of ecologists. On this day, animal life in all its forms is celebrated, and special events are planned on locations all over the globe. 4 October was originally chosen for World Animal Day because it is the feast day of Francis of Assisi, a nature lover and patron saint of animals and the environment. Share

7 days to listen to an interview on BBC Radio Guernsey about cats and wildlife

Submitted by GSPCA on 19:26, 29th Sep, 2011 | 0

Listen in to BBC Guernsey Jenny Kendall-Tobias talking to GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne and to bird experts Jamie Hooper and Tim Earl about the cat that recently got a rare bird at a nature reserve.
