Tears as a happily ever after for a very special cat - read more on Blue

Submitted by GSPCA on 16:18, 25th May, 2012 | 1


Microchip Special Offer of £4.99 continues with over 100 done since the launch

Submitted by GSPCA on 08:36, 15th May, 2012 | 1

The GSPCA since the launch of our special offer of £4.99p has microchipped over 100 dogs and cats.  With nearly 1 in 2 stray cats and dogs that come into the Shelter have no form of ID the GSPCA launched an offer to try and ensure as many pets are chipped as possible.

Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said 'We are so pleased with the number we have chipped so far but there are tens of thousands of dogs and cats in Guernsey and if there are only half that are chipped we still have a long way to go.'

Below are some of the details, facts and figures released last month -


Take care of your pets this Easter

Submitted by GSPCA on 13:54, 4th Apr, 2012 | 0

Be aware this weekend you could be putting your pet at risk this Easter if you feed your pet chocolate intended for people.


Across the Bailiwick we are all stocking up Easter eggs and chocolate as gifts for family and loved ones but the GSPCA has an important message for pet owners.



Deacon the young cat has had his operation and now only has 4 teeth left

Submitted by GSPCA on 19:14, 22nd Mar, 2012 | 3

Deacon the young black and white cat who wasn’t very well when he arrived at the Shelter has now had his operation to remove a total of 26 teeth leaving him with only 4 left.

This was due to a medical issue that he had and the medical treatment and care has topped over £1000.  We would like to thank everyone so far that helped donate to this lovely little lad as without kind donations, monthly giving and legacies we wouldn’t be able to care for cats like Deacon.


Knit a mouse for a homeless cat

Submitted by GSPCA on 13:36, 20th Mar, 2012 | 0

The GSPCA are appealing for islanders to knit toy mice for the many cats at the GSPCA Animal Shelter.


Please Help This Stunning Cat Called Deacon. He Needs Your Help.

Submitted by GSPCA on 18:41, 12th Mar, 2012 | 0

Deacon is a stunning 7 month old  black and white kitten that has won the hearts of staff and visitors at the Shelter.  

Sadly he has been diagnosed with gingivostomatitis, a quite painful disease of the gums. Unfortunately there are a lot of contributing factors to the condition which means that Deacon will have to undergo lots of veterinary treatment until it can be brought under control.  Sadly if the initial treatments are not effective he may have to have most of his teeth removed all of which is likely to exceed £1000!.


Blue is a very special chap and is still in need of a home

Submitted by GSPCA on 15:55, 3rd Mar, 2012 | 0

Blue came into the Animal Shelter as an extremely thin stray nearly 3 months ago. 

After doing a number of tests it has become apparent that the poor little fella is hyperthyroid and therefore on treatment for the rest of his life.

The vet has estimated that he is between 9 and 11 years old but it is difficult to say due to his health problems.


Please help this little lady who has suffered so much

Submitted by GSPCA on 15:44, 24th Feb, 2012 | 0

Borneo is a female cat that came into the Shelter via one of our Welfare Officers who found her in a terrible state and obviously in pain and suffering.


Dipstick has a very happy Valentines

Submitted by GSPCA on 14:28, 15th Feb, 2012 | 0

We all hope that Valentines Day will be a happy one and for 2012 it certainly was for one cat.


Winter Advice for Guernsey's Animals and Birds

Submitted by GSPCA on 19:27, 17th Jan, 2012 | 0

With winter and cold weather with us and potential snow on the way the GSPCA want pet owners and the public to consider all the animals of Guernsey. During a cold snap the GSPCA are on full alert, ready to deal with a variety of animals affected by the cold weather.

But you can also do your bit to prevent animals suffering over the cold period.

DO you have a pond?
