Happy Easter from the GSPCA & an IMPORTANT Message as many of us will be at home this Easter we need to keep our pets safe

Submitted by Steve on 09:31, 9th Apr, 2020 | 0

With tens of thousands of us at home this Easter across the Bailiwick of Guernsey you could be putting your pet at risk at if you feed your pet chocolate intended for people or they manage to find those carefully hidden from the children, as many of us might be planning our home Easter Egg Hunt as with the Coronavirus restrictions hunts are cancelled across the islands.

Across the Bailiwick we are all stocking up Easter eggs and chocolate as gifts for family and loved ones, but the GSPCA has an important message for pet owners.


Animal charities & experts join forces to offer advice to help owners care for animals, dog walkers & animal businesses

Submitted by Steve on 16:57, 8th Apr, 2020 | 0

Just over a week ago a coalition concerned about conflicting and poor information which is leaving owners confused and anxious and animals potentially at risk released some helpful advice for pet owners.


HAPPY NEWS - Victoria and Battenburg happy in their new home - please do share pictures of your adopted pets

Submitted by Steve on 12:22, 2nd Apr, 2020 | 0

We absolutely love to hear from homes that have adopted animals from the GSPCA with pictures and their story of how they are doing

We recently heard from 2 degus adopted from the GSPCA Victoria and Battenburg.

Their new owner Caitlin Baxter said “I recently adopted Victoria and Battenburg the degus from the GSPCA and it says to send in some photos of them once they're settled it, so here they are!”

“They are both very friendly, Battenburg especially, she loves to grab my hand or pull on my clothes when she wants attention.”


GSPCA team share the Rainbow & #StaySafe message & a thanks to all that have donated so far to the #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal

Submitted by Steve on 15:30, 31st Mar, 2020 | 0

The team at the GSPCA with some of our animal friends wanted to bring you some colour and cute faces to your home & we wanted to help spread the #StaySafe and Share

Update on GSPCA Services, please contact us before visiting and encouraging Social Distancing #GuernseyTogether #StayAtHome

Submitted by Steve on 17:02, 30th Mar, 2020 | 0

In line with States of Guernsey advice please DO NOT visit the GSPCA if you are over 65, have an underlying health condition or have any symptoms of Coronavirus and only visit us if your visit is essential but before doing so please call us on 01481 257261 or email [email protected] before your trip to the GSPCA to see if we can help without you coming to the Shelter.


COVID-19 advice in relation to pets and livestock from the States Vet Updated 29th March 2020

Submitted by Steve on 11:06, 30th Mar, 2020 | 0

Please note that this information is current as of 29th March 2020, but may be updated in line with Public Health advice as the COVID-19 situation evolves.

*Animal husbandry is essential


We REALLY NEED YOUR SUPPORT PLEASE Donate to our #GSPCACoronavirusCrisisAppeal

Submitted by Steve on 13:30, 28th Mar, 2020 | 0

Following the States of Guernsey announcement about the Coronavirus Pandemic many of our services, events, boarding, and income streams have stopped and we really need your help.

Although we remain committed to looking after all of the animals in our care and rescuing those in need, the restrictions and safety procedures we have in place are causing many challenges.

With running costs of £2,000 a day NEVER have we needed your support more than we do today.


GSPCA Adoption and Rehoming all moved online and over the phone - PLEASE DO NOT VISIT THE SHELTER AT THIS TIME

Submitted by Steve on 14:25, 27th Mar, 2020 | 0

Due to Coronavirus the GSPCA is only operating essential services.  All of our rehoming is now online, telephone and through the post as we are avoiding visitors to the Shelter at all costs in line with advice from the States of Guernsey.

With animals still arriving and being rescued, unwanted, stray and abandoned the GSPCA have to look at ways we can help rehome animals in our care.


Dumped Guinea Pigs at the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 11:37, 23rd Mar, 2020 | 0

On Friday two guinea pigs were dumped at the GSPCA.

In these challenging days the GSPCA like all of our community are experiencing a broad range of unique circumstances.

One of the biggest like with many charities and businesses is the dramatic change in income from donations and boarding and we appeal for your support during these difficult times.

To donate to the animals in our care please visit - www.paypal.me/DonateGSPCA    


GSPCA advice to animal owners and what to do if you find animal during heightened procedures due to Coronavirus

Submitted by Steve on 16:22, 16th Mar, 2020 | 0

During these difficult days in relation to Coronavirus or Covid-19 as well as thinking about the health and well being of one another we also need to ensure the animals of Guernsey are cared for.

While there is no evidence to suggest that pets can be carriers of Coronavirus or can become ill from it themselves, your pets may be impacted if you or any members of your family test positive for the virus or are asked to stay at home and self-isolate. 
