Calling all volunteers, can you help this weekend with one of our 5 events?

Submitted by Steve on 11:14, 11th Dec, 2015 | 0

This Saturday is our GSPCA team party and if you haven't seen already we would love to invite all volunteers and helpers along tomorrow night at 7pm. It's to celebrate an amazing busy and successful year from the new build to saving the Slovakian puppies, full details can be found by going to -


GSPCA Animal Advent Calendar Day 11 - Santa Paws Sponsored Dog Walk on Sunday £5 entry, lots of gifts & prizes 2pm Saumarez Park

Submitted by Steve on 08:52, 11th Dec, 2015 | 0

It's this Sunday.

Santa Paws Sponsored Dog Walk In aid of the GSPCA at the Saumarez Park Tea Rooms Sunday 13th December 2015 from 12pm – 4pm

Meeting at the Saumarez Park Tea Rooms, Saumarez Park

At the Saumarez Park Tea Rooms will be: Food & drinks, Games & Tombolas Also on sale Pet Goods and much more……

2pm Santa Paws Sponsored Walk includes a fancy dress competition & around the park (no min. distance) & back to Saumarez Park Tea Rooms

Come & meet Santa at the Park


GSPCA Animal Advent Calendar Day 10 - Pop by and see our stall in Market Square today between 9am and 9pm

Submitted by Steve on 08:50, 10th Dec, 2015 | 0

Today pop by and see our stall in Market Square.

With lots of games, Christmas goods, cards, pet stockings and even locally grown Christmas trees please do pop by and see the team raising funds for animals in Guernsey.

A huge thank you to all that have supported, volunteered and donated so far we hope to see you in town tomorrow.

We have a huge weekend of Christmas tree selling, a stall in Market Square on Saturday, stall at Oatlands on Sunday and also the Santa Paws Sponsored Dog Walk we hope to see you at least one of our many wonderful events and fund raisers.


Festive Opening Times at the GSPCA 2015

Submitted by Steve on 00:29, 10th Dec, 2015 | 0

Please remember that in the case of an emergency, sick, injured or stray animal(s) please call 01481 257261 and choose the 24 hour emergency option.

The GSPCA officially stop rehoming on the 15th December until the 2nd January, but some animals may be suitable during these periods. The GSPCA do not believe in pets as presents and each home is looked at individually as is the pet.


Chose or dig your own Guernsey grown Christmas tree this weekend on Saturday and Sunday 10am - 4pm

Submitted by Steve on 14:13, 9th Dec, 2015 | 0

We are pleased to annouce a further two days selling the Guernsey grown Christmas tree's from their field this weekend.

From 10am until 4pm on Saturday and Sunday you can come into the privately owned field and chose your very own Christmas tree.

They are located as you drive through the traffic lights by Oatlands heading towards St Sampsons the field is a few hundred yards along on the right opposite Braye du Valle House.

We will sign post the field so you can clearly see it and GSPCA volunteers will be on hand to help.


Last Volunteer Induction of 2015 a lovely evening and well over 1000 helpers assisting the GSPCA in 2015

Submitted by Steve on 13:58, 9th Dec, 2015 | 0

Last night the GSPCA welcomed 15 new faces and 11 new volunteers within the group.

For a number of years we have been running volunteer induction evenings and sessions.  In 2014 over 200 volunteers were inducted and welcomed to the team, not including the many volunteers that helped through the year, at events, through Corporate Social Responsibility Days and Voluntourists.  This year a further 200+ joined us at the GSPCA with a further 200+  that spent a day or more through a corporate day and 25 Voluntourists from the cruise liners.


Guernsey Tennis Club Doubles Tournament aces a fantastic donation for animals in Guernsey - Thank you from the GSPCA

Submitted by Steve on 00:41, 9th Dec, 2015 | 0

On Monday the Guernsey Tennis Club organised a doubles tournament and lunch in aid of the GSPCA.

A great turn out meant an amazing £1030.20p was raised and from all of the animals and team at the GSPCA a huge thanks.


GSPCA Animal Advent Calendar Day 8 - We can deliver you your locally grown Christmas tree & plans to sell more this weekend

Submitted by Steve on 23:55, 8th Dec, 2015 | 0

If you are looking for a Christmas tree look no further as at the GSPCA we have a wonderful selection of locally grown trees.

From £25 each these fresh and non needle dropping Blue Spruces are 8 years old and are between 2 and 6 feet in height.

We have a lovely selection at the Shelter and can deliver for an additional small donation.

We will have a few at the Market in town on Thursday and Saturday and we are hoping to man the field again this weekend so you can chose your own tree from source.

We will announce the times and location in the next two days.


Christmas trees still on sale from the GSPCA and what a wonderful day

Submitted by Steve on 20:45, 6th Dec, 2015 | 0

After an amazing day raising funds selling Guernsey grown Christmas trees we would like all to know its not to late you can still buy your Christmas tree from the GSPCA.

On sale now at the GSPCA we have a number of wonderful local Christmas trees that have been grown on island for the last 8 years.

On sale from £25 upwards all money raised will go towards replanting new trees for the future and the majority towards the GSPCA and helping animals in Guernsey.

They are blue spruces which is a top end tree which look fantastic and don't drop their needles.


Christmas tree secret location is out - Sunday 10am to 4pm at a field on Braye du Valle come chose, cut or dig your own tree

Submitted by Steve on 15:37, 5th Dec, 2015 | 0

It's the BIG day tomorrow and we can announce the location of the Christmas tree's.

As you drive through the traffic lights by Oatlands heading towards St Sampsons the field is a few hundred yards along on the right opposite Braye du Valle House.

From 10am until 4pm you can come into the field and chose your very own Christmas tree.

There will be signs by the field entrance and please do take care coming in and out. Don't forget we can deliver and will continue to sell the trees from the Shelter and our stall in town next week.
